The race for Savannah mayor...only BLACK reports allowed to cover the event.I wonder why there is no uproar in the media??
I guess because blacks CAN'T be racists!!
You believe a private white only organized event wouldn't be ALL over the media...think again.
This is political mayoral race...maybe you can site ANY political event that excluded other races. Originally Posted by bb1961
You believe a private white only organized event wouldn't be ALL over the media...think again.Get over it bb. Whites run 90% of everything. Take a look at a group photo of the United States Senate. Take a look at a group photo of US Presidents. On and on and on. Of course whites only would be all over the news. Blacks only was. Why are the old white men such scardy cats? Why don't they just enjoy their life of privilege instead of bitching about minorities finally getting a piece of the pie. That goes for the rest of you on here
This is a political mayoral race...maybe you can site ANY political event that excluded other races. Originally Posted by bb1961
racism in the name of ostensibly defeating "racism" isn't goodtake a look at the republican party never. not many blacks, Mexicans, Indians, etc. that's why when one does show up the republicans all talk about "look at my black friend Ben Carson, look at my Indian Nikki Haley, look at my Mexican ..........
all it does is expose the bankruptcies of the left and the basis of their actions, unfocused tribal hatreds Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought