Just to for warn all the providers

Starz's Avatar
  • Starz
  • 03-06-2018, 10:02 AM
Don’t connect to anyone’s internet
And if they have an Apple TV or iMac please be careful these sick fuckers can easily record you without you even knowing.
Never connect your phone to anyone’s computer.
Do not use or borrow any johns USB cable always bring your own.

If you have any concerns or questions about anything security or technology wise do not hesitate to contact me. I specialize in it!
Thank you for this information
Im confused.. why would you need a usb cable on a date? Or an internet connection?
DocHolyday's Avatar
Hey Starz, are you talking about doing videos??

+1 CL
65wolf's Avatar
Did you mean to say forewarn?
thebearking's Avatar
It would always be wise to only use a burner phone, also why would you connect to someone else's internet? If you find yourself needing to be on the internet make sure to always encrypt the storage on your device. Most smartphones already do that however there are apps that do a better job in securing your internal files on your phone including pictures or contacts( which I assume that is the reason), i would also suggest a good surveying of the area you will be in for the appointment looking for piles of clothes and whatnot(anyplace a camera could be hidden) most cameras have an indicator light showing they are active. Also look for computer hardware in the area that looks out of place such as a tower with no screen. The one thing that will stick out is an iMac with the top open(camera on laptops can record with screen off) iPhones can do the same thing. Being aware of your surroundings is key here. If you don't tale the time to secure yourself then you have nobody to blame but yourself. Sick pervs are always there and you will not change who they are but you can change how you protect yourself.
B.Wayne's Avatar
good info. some stuff I didn't even know. thanks. people can never be too careful
dmckussic's Avatar
Thumbs up
"Cell phones off. Batteries out. Put them into the microwave."

- Edward Snowdon

"Them blast them on High for 20 minutes."

- Moi