Remember When We Commanded Respect?

Especially in our own Hemisphere. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Remember when they treated him like a Rock Star?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Remember when he though he was the second coming?
Remember When We Commanded Respect? Originally Posted by Jackie S
As a matter of fact, I do! Then George W. Bush made the decision to invade Iraq during the spring of 2003!
I B Hankering's Avatar
As a matter of fact, I do! Then George W. Bush made the decision to invade Iraq during the spring of 2003! Originally Posted by bigtex
mastermind238's Avatar
Especially in our own Hemisphere. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I do. It was before Bill Clinton let the barbarians drag our soldiers through he streets of Mogadishu, then ordered our military to skedaddle out of there - making our military look to the world like whipped puppies with their tails between their legs. And for the rest of his presidency he compounded that humiliation by cutting the military to the bone. And he ended his presidency by sitting on his hands after the barbarians bombed the USS Cole. In both of those episodes, and many in between, Ronald Reagan would have sent in the bombers.
Clinton let Osama's declared war go unanswered; let Mogadishu happen, USS Cole happen, the embassy bombings happen, the destruction of Beirut and rise of Hezbollah and Hamas, training camps in Afghanistan, and so on and so forth............Clinton was more interested in saving his own hide (remember Lewinsky) than protecting American interests and respect.

Some of the worse FBI and CIA directors we have had were brought into prominent roles by Clinton - these men were responsible for alot of the shit that is going on today....Freeh, Tenant, Detuch.
joe bloe's Avatar
I do. It was before Bill Clinton let the barbarians drag our soldiers through he streets of Mogadishu, then ordered our military to skedaddle out of there - making our military look to the world like whipped puppies with their tails between their legs. And for the rest of his presidency he compounded that humiliation by cutting the military to the bone. And he ended his presidency by sitting on his hands after the barbarians bombed the USS Cole. In both of those episodes, and many in between, Ronald Reagan would have sent in the bombers. Originally Posted by mastermind238
Unfortunately Reagan screwed up by withdrawing our troups from Lebanon after the Marines baracks bombing. I think that was also one of the events that caused 911. Bin Laden saw one act of appeasement after another and concluded that we were the "weak horse" , that we did not have the will to fight.

The world is a dangerous place. America can only protect itself by having the rest of the world know that it's suicidal to mess with America.
Especially in our own Hemisphere. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I can remember when it took a direct hit on us like pearl Harbor before we declared war,till now when we do preempted strikes And lied to the public
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Remember When We Commanded Respect?
I'm pretty sure the last time the world respected the US was before the war. I think the world's perception of us really went to shit when we were like "YEAH! IRAQ!" and everyone else was like " no"

It could have also been when our national health went to shit and we have kids who are so fat you can't even tell how old they are. When I was a kid there was usually 1-2 "big kids" per class. There was one kid in my entire school (it was a 4-5 grade only school with 700 kids) with diabetes. Less than 20 "big kids". I live on a road with 3 schools and see them walking home daily. More kids are overweight and obese than healthy/fit. Sad.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why would any country respect us? Our economy is in shambles, we have little or no freedom left, our leaders make ridiculous decisions, our solution to world problems is to bomb them out of existence, we give other countries money we don't have whether they like us or not.

What the hell is there to respect?
I wonder if there was a similiar discussion in Rome in about 400 AD?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-16-2012, 12:22 PM
Why would any country respect us? Our economy is in shambles, we have little or no freedom left, our leaders make ridiculous decisions, our solution to world problems is to bomb them out of existence, we give other countries money we don't have whether they like us or not.

What the hell is there to respect? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

booooo ya
Why would any country respect us? Our economy is in shambles, we have little or no freedom left, our leaders make ridiculous decisions, our solution to world problems is to bomb them out of existence, we give other countries money we don't have whether they like us or not.

What the hell is there to respect? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Well Hell love it or leave it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why is "fix it" not in the equation? I love my country, I despise my government. I love my country enough to say "This is wrong." Why do you have a problem with that? Are we supposed to just take whatever the government gives us and be happy? Is there no room for improvement? Even Hillary Clinton said it is our patriotic duty to stand up when we disagree with our government. Why are you opposed to that?