Department of justice

Guest123018-4's Avatar
In a great way of spending our tax dollars the Department of Justice has assigned FIVE prosecutors in the trial of that hardened criminal, the former pitcher Roger Clemens.

You know what we need is a civilian justice system that prosecutes politicians for lying to the people.

It is fucking baseball. How many federal agents did he kill by gun running to warrant FIVE prosecutors. Are they that inept?

It is fucking baseball.

We cant get a fucking budget passed but we sure can prosecute a BASEBALL player. It is a fucking baseball game.

Why not an investigation into corked bats, spit balls, sandpaper?
That'll be after the re-election. Don't worry, it'll be televised to your interment camp.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Clemens lied to Congress and Congress has a monopoly on lying except for the Justice Department, the President, the EPA, OHSA, etc.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It's fucking baseball!

It is a fucking baseball player!

Eric Holder lied to congress, where are the five prosecutors for his stinking ass.

Obama lied to the people and the people are way more important than congress.
Agree. Stupid fucking waste of time and money. He should be prosecuted because he's lying sure as shit but it seems to me like one or two Assistant US attorneys ought to be able to handle this shit.