Coming Soon:Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely! But First:

Whispers's Avatar
San Antonio Members

Your Mods CAN control your Hobby. We saw that in Austin in 2008/2009 and when the transition to ECCIE occurred the owners of this board took notice. ECCIE started with MANY former ASPD Mods who were rapidly replaced in Austin and the city charted a new course.

Mods are human beings and make mistakes. They should, however, stand up and accept responsibility when they do. The longer they are in the position the more people they interact with and it is natural that they develop friendships along the way.

How they manage those friendships at times in connection to the boards can lead them down paths they do not belong.

Yet.... It is Human Nature....

In San Antonio..... Those that post don't see a problem..... Those that do not post... well they tend to complain and grumble behind the scenes....

One thing that stands out in San Antonio that reminds me of Austin ASPD days is....

Where are your Whispers and Still Looking's? Where is the troublemakers that challenge the authority?

It's highly unusual that you don't have a few. EVERY Major city has troublemakers that, like us, feel we are just contributing..... I look at San Antonio Forums and think "Stepford Children"

Why is it such a Hobby related concern? well.... When you have censorship and people afraid to speak out you have an unfair advantage for ladies that have Mods on speed dial willing to do a favor..... you don't get information you mike need...... the ladies have friends that they can call to bully newbies into changing or removing information in the ads and those guys tend to get more rope from Mods because they are all on the same page.

I am going to stimulate you to think...... I want to provoke thoughts in regards to your hobby and how it may or may not be affected by how these forums are moderated. A couple of basics in regards to what I see a Mod serving us needs to understand.

Mods should not look for reasons to close a thread. They should ask themselves why it deserves to be open

Mods should not look for reasons to move a thread. They should ask themselves why it should remain where it is,

If Providers are given laxity to advertise in CoEd which is not an ad section shouldn't hobbyists be shown a little laxity in where they are allowed to place their topics?

As a couple of us have posted to your forums over the last few weeks we have received a number of PMs from some of you supporting our actions, praising our wit, showing appreciation for our humor and encouraging us.

When we withdrew we received even more.

There is a common sentiment in those PMs and Emails that San Antonio Forums are oppressive and controlled and that information is manipulated.

I see a lot in San Antonio Forums that I saw when I moved to Austin in 2007 and ASPD was in place.

I can see that you have MODs that are exercising far more personal opinion here than in other areas of the country.

The guidelines allow for it.

The community though can effect it. You do NOT have to accept it.

Mods can "tighten up" or "loosen up" and cause a big change in a community. But the only way they will get that message is if you speak up?

How much they get away with tends to change them over time.Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely! I am writing a thread on this subject at the moment that will find it's way here in time. I've been given several examples and am collecting more.

I have 13 years of experiences on these boards. You folks have too many people that WANT to have a say and post an opinion that are afraid of what happens when they do.


Well.... WE understand what the board is all about and how to have our say. We state our opinions within the guidelines and we provide entertainment. People read what we have to say because there is consistency.

I really want to take the time to address some things here in San Antonio. I have a lot of friends down there that have asked for some help. Some of us go back years on the boards and others go back 25 years in hobby related activities.

What I want to hear right now, in this thread, via PM or via email are examples of what YOU feel is oppressive. What you feel are mistakes being made. Maybe you see something and don't recognize it for what it is but with enough input there may be a pattern

If you are afraid to post it to this thread than you have to admit you have a problem that needs dealing with because NO ONE should fear the anonymity of the internet. But at least PM me or email me. I assure you that your concerns will get a public airing if they are valid. What validates them? Well, enough people sharing the same views.

So tell me....

1) Do you ever get a PM or Email asking , telling or suggesting you modify something you posted? from who? Who are your Board Bullies?

2) Do you see certain Providers allowed to post a threAD and find yours met with more resistance or moved while Mods tend to moderate theirs more favorably?

3) Is information in your reviews ever edited/changed without explanation?

4) Do you see threads moved from one place to another and wonder why?

5) Do you have questions that you ask and get no answers to?

6) Do you see members disappear and reappear with a new handle and get smacked down for trying to say something about it?

San Antonio was home for one of the wackiest providers in board history that enjoyed the protection of staff on ASPD and here at first and burned through reputations and handles like no one else I have ever seen on the boards. I think the one really good thing Mokoa did was stand up to her.

A lot of you seem to think that you have no voice and I can understand why. Well, Soon you will have a group of voices that will help you make your issue known. That will help you get an even footing and say in what goes on in San Antonio.

Soon it will be much more entertaining than ever before.

Post to this thread. If you get reprimanded or censured for it please tell me. I will honestly assess it and if I think you were wrong I will take it up first with the Mods. If I get no where with them I will take it to the Admins. If I get no where with them I will take it to the owners.

A few Years ago Whispers was claimed to have an "Attack Pack". What we were was a group of like minded individuals that shared opinions and agreed on many. Not all, but on most things hobby related. We all had the ability to express ourselves in a manner that would generate interest and get threads viewed. If one of us had an issue we could call on the others for support....

San Antonio NEEDS it's own version of Whispers and Still Looking...... I know there are funny, witty guys and gals here that want something to say, Maybe we can help develop a couple or bring them out of their shell.

Phone Lines are open and Operators are standing by!
flinde's Avatar
well this some of us goes back 41 years buying blow jobs, and back to Delphi boards. And according to this some of us, things are fine in sa just the way they are.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 11-16-2013, 11:37 AM
oh noooooo... were starting another round of this.

i hope its as entertaining as last time.
levi tab's Avatar
...and flinde says that with a smile and no $2.99 per min call charge
Whispers's Avatar
oh noooooo... were starting another round of this.

i hope its as entertaining as last time. Originally Posted by savak
Nope.... Previews of Coming Attractions...... Things will be on repeat through the Holidays but damn it all to hell man.... Have we got a line-up for the new season!
Precious_b's Avatar
San Antonio Members

In San Antonio..... Those that post don't see a problem..... Those that do not post... well they tend to complain and grumble behind the scenes....

I am going to stimulate you to think...... I want to provoke thoughts in regards to your hobby and how it may or may not be affected by how these forums are moderated.

... Originally Posted by Whispers

Sorry I didn't read your post indepth.

Already heard what you stated and understand most of it.

Like the way you rephrased it here on this thread.

I also like an open dialogue. And to have that, you must have people contribute to it (as I have previously stated, and if i'm wrong, please point out my erring in that regard.)

But until "those that do not post" speak up, I really don't see any reason to speculate what is on their minds. They see the box at the bottom of the screen they can type in and hit Submit Reply link.

I agree with you on a few things Whispers. But until those that want to be heard speak up, I'm not really going to let you be their mouth piece/unelected champion/conduit of their means.

Experienced such a situation in the past and learned my lesson from it. I won't let someone have the chance to manipulate people without solid feedback.

Let them speak. Let them speak in the open. Let it be an open dialogue.
Whispers's Avatar
But until "those that do not post" speak up, I really don't see any reason to speculate what is on their minds. They see the box at the bottom of the screen they can type in and hit Submit Reply link.

I agree with you on a few things Whispers. But until those that want to be heard speak up, I'm not really going to let you be their mouth piece/unelected champion/conduit of their means.

Experienced such a situation in the past and learned my lesson from it. I won't let someone have the chance to manipulate people without solid feedback.

Let them speak. Let them speak in the open. Let it be an open dialogue. Originally Posted by Precious_b
That is what this is about......

What was learned 4 years ago here in Austin when the people in charge directed the Mods to back off and let me and others like me have my say.... when people started scratching their heads and wondering why week after week after week I was allowed to state my opinions on things as well as challenge decisions,,, When I was able to draw the owners attention to the issues in Austin that had led to the unfair banning of a member and Mods were overruled and the member reinstated..... An environment was created where over time.... for some a few weeks, for some a few months and for others a year or two.... well.... others started to speak up...... Dozens have PMd me over the years and thanked me for giving them the confidence to have their say in things....

It will not happen over night unless you had total Mod change..... That would be a real bummer as I would need to sit back and see what direction the new guys drove the ship...

But after a few weeks of Sl and me and a few other friends sharing opinions as allowed in CoEd..... There will be new voices that will test the waters..... many will simply shut up..... Some of those that whine will go whine elsewhere....

After a few months focus will shift....

This goes on in society all the time in all kinds of groups.

Someone is not happy with the direction and when they ask they get told to shut up. Eventually someone does not shut up and when he seems to have some staying power that person told to shut up speaks back up.... Then another......

Where it all goes depends on those with the loudest voices.... those that are most determined......

So long as everything stays hobby related, thought provoking and or entertaining I think San Antonio is going to contribute much more to the view counts that make the cash register ring n 2014!

I am counting on you to be a voice on the other side of many issues. You tend to write well and when two people debate others learn...
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Let them speak. Let them speak in the open. Let it be an open dialogue. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Frustratingly, many or most won't. They instead whisper behind the scenes in PMs to those who are not afraid to speak up. Many of my clients are UTR and no longer post reviews or contribute to the community because of some of the points in this thread and many more of which have yet to be brought out. Moderation is only one of the issues, granted a big issue but only one nonetheless. Reprecussions will occur and some just dont want to deal with it so they limit themselves altogether.

Edit: Being followed around the board anticipating being edited and/or pointed around every corner and having it done just like that is BS and why it is tolerated? (Personal experience)

And you guys thought they were fking funny.

What's funny Whispers is correct, San Antonio is the former Austin Forum, except that it seems that Austin had a few more guys with balls and would start to stand up. Mokoa has all of you so fucking scare and pussy whipped that many of you will just lay down and settle.

Get past the ordeal of Whispers tactics, even if you don't like him personally, you have to give him credit for making you think. Thou some of you say your not scared of Mokoa, only a few of you have actually truly expressed it and shown as such, personally I as an outsider looking in, think only one thing, "San Antonio is full of White Knights and Pussy Whipped guys that think Mokoa is GOD."

Stop, think and take back your board. Or do you want to live in a socialism environment here?
Precious_b's Avatar
I never had the feeling that I would be persecuted about posting here on this board (unless it is something blatantly wrong.) Golden child? I think not. But who knows. In the real world, I came to some realizations that caused a paradigm shift in my thinking.

BUT I never kept what I knew underwraps about it.

KKA, I know that there are hobbyist that don't post. They have their reasons.
Woody, thanks for adding. But for *my* sake, i'll take your interjections more seriously if you contribute in a less abrasive way. Doesn't provoke thought at all on my part.

But again, I never had the feeling that a mob with pitchforks and torches were following me here.

Let them cast those items aside and contribute.

And view count/ad $$$/ etc. That thread someone started that said Ping me or something seemed to do quite the job with a helluvalot less effort than the threads Whispers and SL started. So please, don't use that as an item you are doing this for.
  • gfx
  • 11-16-2013, 01:52 PM
no comment
Woody, thanks for adding. But for *my* sake, i'll take your interjections more seriously if you contribute in a less abrasive way. Doesn't provoke thought at all on my part. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Understand Pb, I have sat back in the previous threads and went with the more gentle process, and every one's comment when I asked is Mokoa consider the God in SA, and all but one stated, don't mess with god, kneel before God, etc., I know that allot of that was in humor, and I got it.

Me being direct in calling several of the members as Pussy Whipped and White Knights were only a way to make some of you realize what many others think.

I personally imagine that all of you in general are good honest great people, but the scene here as been the same old thing and you all are so used to this that you settle.

I was once asked about Iraq and its people by a younger lady, her comment was: "Why do the people in Iraq put up with Saddam?", (Pre-down fall of the dictatorship), the answer applied most often was they didn't know any differently and settled.

So let me take this in a different content and tone....

Guys, as I look at your forum it looks like you are constantly being moderated to the liking of someone else, that you seem to have lost control of your board and the right to say / post as you would like. You as the membership have the right to take it over again and be yours, not Mokoa's board.

Note that I did not say: JJ, cause personally I think JJ probably could and has moderated with in the guidelines, JJ would probably moderate as the owners and membership would like, equally.

As per the Prince of Aztec, well if he is not going to be present here, you guys need to think about finding some one of yourselves that would replace him. He's just a name on the top of the forum.

Now you guys can sit back and say: WTF right does Woody have to say all the above and what weight does that carry, I will reply with NOTHING REALLY, but if Woody on the outside looking in see's this then there are hundreds of others that might be thinking the same.....

I welcome you all to prove me wrong, take back your board, ask for Mokoa to step down, if he's God as so many of you think, then the SA forum will fall apart, but I'm willing to bet you will have just the opposite with freedom to post and exchange data with out censorship.

Think outside the box......
Precious_b's Avatar
Me being direct in calling several of the members as Pussy Whipped and White Knights were only a way to make some of you realize what many others think.


...... Originally Posted by Woody of TX
Thanks for understanding what I said and my considerations.

Seeing that the people above aren't the ones who are not posting, I think you should draw all attention to the silent ones. The above referenced need little provoking to respond.

It is those that *are claiimed to be here* that don't post who need to be heard. Callouse responses to these people should not be made as long as they are open to dialogue.
dearhunter's Avatar
2 observations.......

PofA sounds like a pretty good mod..........sometimes less is more.

"Whispers" are not as common as you seem to imply.........ijs
2 observations.......

PofA sounds like a pretty good mod..........sometimes less is more.

"Whispers" are not as common as you seem to imply.........ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
Agree, you old Houston Fart, cheers!