Stories Wanted

Gapaladin's Avatar
Good Morning Ladies;

I am writing a historical novel. One of my characters... the protagonist, actually, is going to be a prostitute. At present, I envision her to be a common street whore, but I plan to heap many trials and tribulations upon her... just to make things interesting. I’m not going to post much more about my plot as story ideas are kind of like trade secrets. Suffice it to say that my character will live in interesting times.

What I need from you gals are your stories. I am not even a woman, let alone the kind of woman my character will be. I’ve got no idea what your lives are like now or what they were like when some of you started out in this business. I suppose I could just copy what others have written, but I kind of doubt that most of you have lived a life anything like what Xaviera Hollander wrote about.

I am therefore going right to the source. I would like to interview at least a few of you who are local to Green Bay, Wisconsin in the flesh at some public place... a park or restaurant, maybe a public library... somewhere you feel safe. Sorry, I don’t do taverns/bars. If you are not local to Green Bay, or if you do not feel safe meeting a stranger, I would still like to interview you over GoogleTalk.

I don’t need any details about you personally. I’d like to know how you got into this life, what region you came from and any stories you would be willing to tell me. I absolutely do not want to know your real names. The police will certainly be reading this post (Hi guys!) and if I don’t know your names, I can’t give you up, can I?

I can’t pay anyone, at least not at present. My bank account currently has less than twenty bucks in it. If the book does well, though, I plan to share the wealth. If it does really well, I would welcome you all as neighbors in the mansion next to mine.... but don’t order your Bentley’s just yet. Many books do not even break even.

My name is Dale Raby. You can contact me at If you Google my name, you will find I have written three books that are available online and several articles having to do with a number of subjects. My day job is as a salesman in a local gun store. While I deal with police officers all the time and have nothing against them, I am not one of them, and will keep your secrets.

Oh, and if any of you still have pimps, they are NOT invited. It’s nothing personal, gentlemen, just that you won’t have the kind of material I need.

beelzebubba's Avatar
Did you know as soon as they graduate college most of them plan to write a book as well?
Gapaladin's Avatar
Welll.... coming from the devil, I guess you'd know. Many people want to write books. Some try. Few do it and even fewer get published. I am old and can't wait... so a few years ago, I bought my own printing press.
anonsull's Avatar
you want to profit off these women without pay? instead of telling us to google you why not post a link to your books?
Gapaladin's Avatar
Profit off of these women without pay? Not exactly. Take a look at the post. If I get rich, whoever helped me with character development gets rich as well... but the cautionary statement is there as well. The woman invests fifteen minutes of her time to possibly get paid a portion of my royalties... if there are any. While most books do not make money, a few do, and some of them make a LOT of money. So it is a minimal investment of her time for a percentage to be determined of a potentially enormous payback. JK Rowling (not all that great a writer) went from "welfare mom" to the richest woman in Europe. Pretty sure she took care of people who helped her. I dunno about you, but I would certainly like a .5% cut of her royalties!

As to a link to my books, I suppose I could do that, but I never know who might drop me at any moment. Amazon used to list mine, but dropped them without explanation and I have yet to reach anyone there who can tell me why. Easier to just Google my name. Also, any potential interviewee would certainly want to Google me anyway just to reassure herself that I am not likely somebody looking to arrest her or slit her throat. If she Googles me she will find articles I have written for various publications, mostly having to do with the Linux operating system. She will also find lots of posts I've done, reviews I have written, and three books I have written. My web presence goes back to about 1998... pretty hard for law enforcement to duplicate.

I have only recently become aware of the SESTA/FOSTA debacle. Had I known about it earlier, I might well have worded my post differently... and I may yet change it. With this kind of nonsense out there, I would suppose that most providers are very cautious because my post looks like a pretty obvious trap by law enforcement.

I have found reading the posts here to be very informative. That may get me enough information to fill out my character. It would be great to get to interview someone who was in the business in the 1940's, but it is unlikely I will find one anywhere. I'll just have to gather data, re-read Xaviera Hollander's book and hit the library for more information... then use my imagination.

Things being what they are, looks like Debra is going to be the only one on my list if I do hit the jackpot... however unlikely that might be.
Gapaladin's Avatar
Also... if anyone wants to post a story here instead of contacting me, that would be fine with me. (Actually, I am just "testing" my newly-minted signature, but the message still applies!)
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
By some odd coincidence I'm at work on a novel in which the protagonist is a serial killer posing as a novelist who wishes to interview prostitutes.

But no, OP, I've no desire to meet you. I'll watch from afar.
Gapaladin's Avatar
By some odd coincidence I'm at work on a novel in which the protagonist is a serial killer posing as a novelist who wishes to interview prostitutes.

But no, OP, I've no desire to meet you. I'll watch from afar. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Um... your character is a serial killer... and he is the PROTAGONIST ?!!! Should he not be the antagonist and the prostitute the protagonist? LOL I dunno guy... I think I am OK with you not wanting to meet me.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Flawed protagonists are all the rage. Where have you been?
Gapaladin's Avatar
Evidently,not where you are. Technically, the protagonist is the main mover and shaker, so to speak. In my personal lexicon, though, a protagonist is the "white hat" character, i.e.: Captain Kirk... though he was certainly flawed, as was Harry Potter, Jesse Stone and on and on. Even Dexter is kind of a "white hat" character. I guess I am just too old. I like happy endings and the "black hat" falling into the river and getting eaten by something. This evening we are going to watch the Game of Thrones episode in which King Joffrey gets poisoned. I am planning a "King is Dead" party. We might even bake a cake!