Slutty in Public

Multi-part question with commentary...

Q.1–Have any of you seen a woman out in public and just know she’s either a dancer or working? Without any evidence of either, but your spidey senses tell you inside and out she is?

Ladies, not trying to say women can’t dress however you want without being judged, but we’re both on this board because of that exact thing.

It seems I can tell certain women just move and carry themselves a certain way that doesn’t say they’re a sorority girl breaking away from their parents grip, and trying to figure out where they place. I’m talking about a woman you can visually see that she knows exactly who she is and what’s she about and unabashedly flaunts what she knows every man desires.

Q.2–What are some of those things that gives you that impression?
Randall Creed's Avatar
I think this might've been around last summer. I was driving along, in broad daylight, mind you, down a typical street that is very neighborhood friendly. Lots of outdoor eating area type of restaurants, where families would go in beautiful weather.

I see a woman in a skirt SOOO SHORT, that, if ANY shorter, would've probably not qualified as a skirt. When I say short, I'm talking any less material and you can see her panties (if she were wearing any) without her walking.

Mind you, she was nicely built. Short, nice ass, strong thighs. Well within the realm of very plowable. As she walked, she was definitely pacing her strides, as to keep from showing the world her business on every step. I'm willing to bet it was one of those 'instant regret' moments that we have when we wear something we KNOW is questionable, but we REALLY want to wear it, even though we know we shouldn't. Once outside and in general public is when we know....we fucked up.

If her stride was an inch longer, I'd be telling you what color panties she had on (if she had any on).

If I wasn't on my way back to work at that time, I'd likely be telling you how good the pussy was right about now. The reason I say this is because, you don't dress like that unless you're conveying a particular message.

I can't say for certain that she was a working girl or not (again, this was broad daylight, in family friendly territory), but I tell ya, I'll bet my right arm that SOMEBODY banged her that day.

She was probably a block or two away from the main gathering areas of the restaurants. If that was her destination, I'm pretty sure they sent her back home, because she would've been a serious distraction.

It was the prettiest thing I've ever seen (I'm a huge sucker for short skirts and curvy hips), and at least momentarily weighed if going back to work a little late was worth it.

Hadn't seen her since, fwiw. But then again, it is warming back up, so...
I personally like when a women dresses sexy. In my civi dating life, On a romantic get away one of the tests I have is to see if she is willing to push the limits. To me it's super hot when a women can be pull off the super sexy/slutty look and have the grace to pull it off.

I would never ask her to do this around co-workers, fruends, or family. But I am more than willing to pay for a hotel night away from people she may know.
I went to grad school with a girl who was so obviously an ex-stripper. The way she walked and dressed gave it away. Huge fake tatas. We all carried backpacks and she pulled a little bag like a dancer going to work, LOL. She would even do thee butt duster hair flip.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I went to grad school with a girl who was so obviously an ex-stripper. The way she walked and dressed gave it away. Huge fake tatas. We all carried backpacks and she pulled a little bag like a dancer going to work, LOL. She would even do thee butt duster hair flip. Originally Posted by B Three
how long is errrr make that was your hair ? just askin
greyghost48's Avatar
When I went to school no one used backpacks; I gues we were either dumb or really strong guys.
Pangolier's Avatar
When I was visiting Finland I was walking down the street with a guy I've known for a long time when I suddenly mentioned to me in a quiet voice that he knew the occupation of a nearby blonde. He didn't say exactly how he knew it, but he seemed sure of himself, and mentioned her possible "motives." Another time a guy in Vegas said it couldn't be anymore obvious with some girls just sitting at a bar drinking water and "looking around for business." I've never definitely seen it myself, but I'm sure if the woman in question wants to make a scene out of it, you could probably tell.

What I can tell you is that... some of the girls I've seen, you would NEVER ever know by seeing them in public that they are provider, ever. It would be impossible to tell, and in fact impossible to speculate. This doesn't go with all of the girls I've met, but with some of them, their personas simply to do jive with their "occupation", even if it's a part time one.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
When I was visiting Finland I was walking down the street with a guy I've known for a long time when I suddenly mentioned to me in a quiet voice that he knew the occupation of a nearby blonde. He didn't say exactly how he knew it, but he seemed sure of himself, and mentioned her possible "motives." Another time a guy in Vegas said it couldn't be anymore obvious with some girls just sitting at a bar drinking water and "looking around for business." I've never definitely seen it myself, but I'm sure if the woman in question wants to make a scene out of it, you could probably tell.

What I can tell you is that... some of the girls I've seen, you would NEVER ever know by seeing them in public that they are provider, ever. It would be impossible to tell, and in fact impossible to speculate. This doesn't go with all of the girls I've met, but with some of them, their personas simply to do jive with their "occupation", even if it's a part time one. Originally Posted by Pangolier
I have had lady's ask me to go with them for a walk shopping whatever dressed not ta kill. Just so would not get hit on.

But then if going to a hobby party told go watch my back but do not hang on or about me. And then dressed ta kill.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I have had lady's ask me to go with them for a walk shopping whatever dressed not ta kill. Just so would not get hit on.

But then if going to a hobby party told go watch my back but do not hang on or about me. And then dressed ta kill. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Never thought of that. It would definitely work to keep the vultures off.

Of course, it could also work against them if [their] Prince Charming is out there.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Any hotel I have been in has had one well dressed whore in the lobby.
When you walk in she looks you right in the eye.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Never thought of that. It would definitely work to keep the vultures off.

Of course, it could also work against them if [their] Prince Charming is out there. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
been there, one asked walk with me, Fireman neighbor out for a walk, Then its ahem get lost but thanks
ICU 812's Avatar
Way-back in the 1990s and earlier, there were no on-line escort resources. The only way to meet a provider was face to face in a public place. There was a little verbal; dance so both parties could convince themselves that the other was not LE, and off they would go to a No-tel, parked car or behind a dumpster.

Part of this scene was how the provider dressed. On the one hand, she had to stand out enough to be noticed and invite an approach. On the other hand, she had to be able to say (to LEO) that she was dressed appropriately for a public venue. However. . . . .

During the permissive era of the Whitmeir administration here in Houston TX, several miles of South Main were an open display of some of the sluttyiest street walker outfits I have ever seen outside of a strip club.

Those days are long gone.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Slutty in Public , As long as there not " all show no go" all good