Virus alert Camry website

oldman49's Avatar
After seeing Camry post in the Providers link. Went to her website and was Blasted with the "FBI" virus. I got it removed, but it took some time. Be careful. Travel at your own risk!!!!! Don't know if this is the right place for this I will let the "Mods" figure it out.
bartipero's Avatar
Use Apple products and you won't be as susceptible to such items.
oldman49's Avatar
Thank you for the sales pitch and the public service announcement.
Starry69's Avatar
Thanks for the heads up.
Just like oldman49, I went to provider's link and also got the FBI virus....I have sent PM to Fritz

This is not an attempted knock on the provider, just what happen to me today!!!!
KenMonk's Avatar
Its not a knock when its giving folks a virus. It should never happen and its laughable that it is happening.
oldman49's Avatar
Same here not a knock on the provider, just wanted to let everyone know there is a problem there. Thanks VK for chiming in and letting our other brothers and sisters out there aware of this problem.
Hey KenMonk, I know you did not mean it this way....I'm just finally sitting back, enjoying some green tea, and glad to have my computer back.

But if you get the virus, it really not very laughable. But I did get a kick of their description of the virus...the FBI virus is called a ransom-virus....they want you to pay $200 to make it go away, lol
Vk is this something penicillan will rid you of?

Unfortunately the penicillan solution would be way to easy of an option...computers and myself have a tense relationship when all is going well.

Luckily for me, a friend of mine was able to tackle it...while I did the peanuts and milk duds thing, i.e. watching
I had no problems or warnings when I accessed her website
Moved thread to Sandbox as this does not constitute a threat to personal safety
malwoody's Avatar
Hey KenMonk, I know you did not mean it this way....I'm just finally sitting back, enjoying some green tea, and glad to have my computer back.

But if you get the virus, it really not very laughable. But I did get a kick of their description of the virus...the FBI virus is called a ransom-virus....they want you to pay $200 to make it go away, lol Originally Posted by vkmaster
How much did he charge you....$200.00 ....?
Actually my friend did not require a charge....however I had to cover the milk duds and peanuts costs, along with a nice visit at J Alex, lol
malwoody's Avatar
Actually my friend did not require a charge....however I had to cover the milk duds and peanuts costs, along with a nice visit at J Alex, lol Originally Posted by vkmaster
That's nice..