preferred method for gaining control

Just curious to hear others opinions on your preferred method for gaining dominance, I suppose preferred method for submitting could be included.
To kick start the thread, blackmail, physical force, or similar over coercion threat etc. Then there is the more subtle mind games, hypnosis, seduction and what not. The treacherous trickery, mind/body altering substances and impairments.
Uh...consent from your partner?
Lol of course in reality there is consent
Cpalmson's Avatar
One provider and I had worked out an elaborate forced sex/rape fantasy. It was to be as realistic as possible. She was to wear some old clothes that she didn't mind if they got ripped. She was also going to use a female condom so as to avoid the whole putting a cover on which would have ruined the fantasy. Too bad, we never got to act it out.

One that I did act out was where I used mental persuasion from a position of power to gain dominance. The fantasy was that of an actress wanting a part in a movie. To get the part, she had to sleep with me as part of the audition. That one went very well.
Thank you for your contribution. As to your first response, the forced, I can't help but think of Choke by Chuck Palahnuik. There's a scene in the book where the narrator hides in a woman's closet to carry out her r fantasy. Funniest part of the book in my opinion.
Goddessmaria's Avatar
I prefer control by seduction, beauty, intellect and female wiles

Like a moth to a fire
Lhornbk's Avatar
I think if someone is naturally submissive, seduction from the right woman is all that it would take. All my fantasies about submission have always involved being seduced into being dominated, then using the threat of withdrawing her approval and not being allowed to see her anymore to keep it going.
cumalot's Avatar
Seduce the mind and the body will follow always works to start things off with me. Fucking the mind before you ever touch the body makes for a more seductive challenge.
SoleMan's Avatar
I prefer control by seduction, beauty, intellect and female wiles

Like a moth to a fire Originally Posted by Goddessmaria
Goddessmaria, you nailed it on the head. That is really all it takes. Use your skills and natural assets (beauty, intellect, and female wiles--as you say) and a small investment of your time devoted to the art of seduction and you will be in control.
In my experience the man was just naturally dominant and subtly though his talk and touch had me on my knees (both literally and figuratively)
A lot will depend on your submissive partner. All desire obedience, but that can be obtained in many different ways....pain, humiliation, various forms of discipline, etc. Discuss his / her wants and needs and you can start piecing it all together. It's hard work ....but rewarding.
  • Kloie
  • 03-18-2013, 01:27 PM
I like your ideas. I regularly do a session with a business man and I will do anything to get the job then even more to keep it. It's great his office doesn't lock lots of fun!
Daddy Matt's Avatar
I prefer the long seduction/ build a relationship method where they absolutely do not want to disappoint you in any way. The tears rolling down her cheeks when I say "I'm disappointed in you." shows me I've done my training well. Punishment is fun but knowing they'd do anything to not disappoint me is truly empowering.
Sweet as Antifreeze
Thank you for your contribution. As to your first response, the forced, I can't help but think of Choke by Chuck Palahnuik. There's a scene in the book where the narrator hides in a woman's closet to carry out her r fantasy. Funniest part of the book in my opinion. Originally Posted by 1wonders2
Fantastic book! Read it years ago and still remember it vividly.

I prefer the long seduction/ build a relationship method where they absolutely do not want to disappoint you in any way. The tears rolling down her cheeks when I say "I'm disappointed in you." shows me I've done my training well. Punishment is fun but knowing they'd do anything to not disappoint me is truly empowering. Originally Posted by Daddy Matt
The above quote says it perfectly. Being able to establish that level of respect and trust on both ends takes time and careful cultivation. On the opposite end, the giddy feeling of knowing I've pleased my Daddy well is second to none. A fun scene can definitely be a good time, but having that deeper connection is personally much more satisfying.