How long...

Wakeup's Avatar
I just read an interesting statistic, if old...that 500 million Facebook members spend 700 billion minutes a month logged into Facebook. While I don't have a Facebook account, I do have an account here. Does this version of vBulletin keep numbers for how long each user is logged in or spends browsing the site?

I'd be interested in the raw results...
Mojojo's Avatar
To be honest with you dude I'm not sure. I've never really kept up too much with the technical aspects of the site, that's something we don't deal too much with, however you might get a better answer in the Technical Questions forums, that is unless the other local mod's know.
a better question is would it be acurate since there are people like me that never close their tabs. anyone looking at me here or on facebook would think that I never even leave the house.