CHRIS MATTHEWS: I think they're more political than either you or I – I think they hate Obama. They want him out of the White House more than they want to destroy al Qaeda. Their number one enemy in the world right now, on the right, is their hatred – hatred for Obama. We can go into that about the white working class in the south and looking at these numbers we’re getting about racial hatred in many cases. This isn’t about being a better president. They want to get rid of this president. That's their number one goal and they're willing to let Romney go to the hard center, even if it’s to the left on issues, as long as they get rid of this guy. Romney went in there tonight with sixteen ounce gloves. He didn’t want to look too ferocious he just wanted to win and the way he wanted to win was not make himself into the right-winger that the right wing that's supporting him really are.
Does this sound familiar? YOU HATE HIM! YOU HATE HIM! YOU HATE HIM!
Ah, yes, the race card is alive and well at MSNBC.