I have run into issues with being uncircumcised, but not hygeine related.
Mostly comfort related, and more socially/emotionally than physically.
Honestly, since it has been brought up, I would be curious how the providers feel about these issues as regards to dynamics and comfort go.
What I have found was the loss of friction, due to skin moving. With condoms, I have had the issue with not holding in place, again due to skin moving back and forth. Another issue, is sensitivity. With heightened sensitivity, I tend to numb up when over stimulated.
Ok, please go easy on me, cause this has been my biggest self esteem issue as far as sex goes. Hope to get good feedback. Could only imagine meeting the provider that has answers for me!! nice.
Originally Posted by devilworm11
aww..it shouldn't be a self-esteem issue. I mean, from what you say above, the actual technicalities of sex when uncircumsized pose very different issues than you perhaps think a circumsized man would face. What I'm saying is, it's not *you* per se..it's the lack of circumcision.
It seems from this thread that the biggest issue is one of hygiene. As long as you are squeeky clean then I think the biggest hurdle that women feel presented with has been dealt with. To be honest, I hadn't given much thought about the issues I have quoted above. Not sure how you deal with those without getting circumsized?? I guess a man would have to answer that...
C xx
Originally Posted by Camille
Well, there is an answer. Get circumcised.
Think how free that would make you!
Now, if you have a friendly doctor, s/he might say it's necessary so insurance picks up the tab. If it's deemed merely cosmetic or elective, you'll be paying the whole fee yourself.
OTOH, you could convert to Judaism. I believe rabbis are authorized to perform the ceremony (and maybe even do the cutting), and there might be a system set up inside the religion, IDK.