Kay2Day v. NewYorkBoy

newyorkboy's Avatar
Well ladies and gents, I went and did it again. Kay and I have known each other for a few years, and a while back I kind of started "sponsoring" her. Got her out of a few jams, set her up so she could rent cars and hotels. We spent time together and I thought had each others backs. The big division came up recently regarding money I had LENT her for her brothers honeymoon. He had asked her to fund it (he's aware of her situation), and she didn't have it. I moved a few things around and got it for her. She said then "I will pay this back", and said ok, Now several months later, she denies saying this, saying the time she spends with me takes care of it. Well if you add up car rentals, hotels, etc.(which I'm NOT asking for back) AND the vacation, I still have about a month owed to me LOL. GPS Syndrome. Yeah I'm an idiot but I thought better of her than this. And please, in no way shape or form am I saying NOT to see Kay; shes a fabulous provider; just don't FRONT her money. I'm sure she will rebutt this saying that I wanted her to be my girlfriend, etc. but that's not the case. I've actually got someone in my life now and will be taking a backseat here. I did try to set something up with her to insure her future (me not included) so she does not be come the next 60-year-old-hooker, but I guess not. All this over a few thousand! I wish her luck and prosperity, just not on my dime any more.

Honestly I don't get why you keep getting in deep with providers. Do you just enjoy the drama ?
newyorkboy's Avatar
The pussy obviously. I'm SLOWLY learning my lesson. Just don't want others to make the same mistakes. That's why I share this, embarrassing as it is. People just need to be honest with each other and hold up their end of the bargain. Not to much to ask. Yeah, I know we are dealing with hobbiests and providers, but it WOULD go smoother!
Yep, there is a theme here with NYB. It's not because of their line of work that you get stuck. I can't think of a single friend that paid me back as agreed. Sure maybe the first time, but eventually I got stuck. Since 2008 I have less I can afford to loose so I loan -0-
Mike1961's Avatar
Deja vu
I agree, this really isn't about a provider, but someone you think as a friend. Rule 1, never lend more than you want to lose. Rule 2. assume you will never get it back. Rule 3, get pissed at yourself for being a sucker if you don't get paid back.

Unless it is more than a one time date, accounting will always be a problem.

You seem like a genuinely nice guy, but you seem to be a sucker for a blunt term.

Strippers I think are even worse than providers for the sob stories.
ILuvNips's Avatar
I can jusr picture Kay ans Alexis drinking a bottle of wine, laughing over who got more.

Joking aside, I do empathize your loss. Been there done that too.
Just when I start to think maybe I should not have retired...
newyorkboy's Avatar
Lol. I definitely feel your pain!
newyorkboy's Avatar
Oho! And now you've managed to charge $1200 on the canceled credit card of mine for your car? Theft of services? You're either hard up or greedy; take your pick. An honorable person would've just jpaid it and walked away
livn2do's Avatar
Why are you airing this here or even in the Iowa forum especially when no one gives a fuck. What went down with your obvious infatuation with her, what she did or didn't do and you fostered and allowed to happen is no one else's business. Your feeble attempt (despite what you say) to smear a well known and well established provider is childish at best. Your just a checker in a chess game. My advice to you is to stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone should be.
Her latest review was less than a week ago and the gent gave a yes and dropped 1800?
newyorkboy's Avatar
That would have been me. The review was true and that was supposedly taken off what she owes me. Apparently GPS fell in here and she felt it was worth a lot more. Don't get me wrong; she's worth every dime of her regular rate; not saying that. JUST DON'T GO BEYOND THAT. This White Knight is DONE!
newyorkboy's Avatar
Why are you airing this here or even in the Iowa forum especially when no one gives a fuck. What went down with your obvious infatuation with her, what she did or didn't do and you fostered and allowed to happen is no one else's business. Your feeble attempt (despite what you say) to smear a well known and well established provider is childish at best. Your just a checker in a chess game. My advice to you is to stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone should be. Originally Posted by livn2do
In no way, shape or form am I looking to or even think I can smear her. Just don't want anyone else going down my stupid ass path. Go see her and pay my rate. Just DO NOT go Sugar Daddy with her. That is all I'm saying dude. Of course, you do kind of sound like me when she got a bad review in Texas, so perhaps I'm too late?
What were you to gain by posting this- or just to vent.