Review: Dont Trust Kandi & Natalia! (the Rest of the Story...)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I don't have acccess to see nor comment on a "No" review posted last week by Yankees1212 (Join Date: Aug 7, 2015 Posts: 13 Reviews: 3)

We have been in contact with Yankees1212 and are working on a positive solution to this misunderstanding. I feel confident he will write a post that will clear this matter.

Not to get into dispute about the details, but please know that delays and urgent family priorities interrupted our appointment.

I will be back in Omaha, available for appointments on Monday (8/8). Yankee and we will get this squared up.

PS I don't have exact dates of my dancing schedule,
but I'm on the day shift (from 3 to 9) for those interested.
burkalini's Avatar
All I can say is 4 of your last 7 reviews have been no.
Im meeting them up sometime Monday to get the money back, well see how it goes
newyorkboy's Avatar
Be careful
jmhawk1's Avatar
I would recommend the girls do a bit of research. I would think that their business probably took a hit because of the "review" that was recently posted.

As long as they start working towards a better mindset/skill set, I think they could do very well. I would also think they will find the gents on eccie are probably kinder and more generous than the average BP gent.

I wish them luck, and would be interested in visiting them if things turn around for them. Maybe they can do a few review specials and get some positive comments. Also, if any of us visit them, maybe we can help steer them in the right direction!
Where do you dance at?
All I can say is 4 of your last 7 reviews have been no. Originally Posted by burkalini
In fairness, 2 of those 7 were from 2013. Still it shows a pattern. She cannot see the ROS. And the fact that she posted and wants to make this good is a great sign. Maybe we work with her and see if she can up her game. What do you say Kandi?
burkalini's Avatar
In fairness she posted an ad saying she wanted to get back a good reputation and then immediately gave shitty and almost criminal service. She deserves nothing now.
Ya..where she dance at??...let's get the Monday story Yankee...btw a posting isn't going to get a good reputation..but really good gfe or pse service will.
Action speaks louder then words. Provide great service and the word will get around.
Didn't get the money. I texted her asking when we could meet up. She said 30 minutes. Texted her later asking if she's free and she never responded. This is ridiculous, she deserves nothing.
burkalini's Avatar
This girl should be black balled.
ithooks's Avatar
I gotta see this girl. I love all the drama and getting ripped off! NOT!!!!
Sorry for your issues Yankee
Was going to see her but was waiting to see how this played out now that I see how it played out you can count me out hope see she the business she has lost now smh
I was really interested, too. Not interested in drama OR getting ripped off. So much for building up a client list, Kandy.