How Many Times Do You See Someone B4 Giving A Ref?

Ladies: Just a quick question: How many times do you see a client, b4 vouching 4 him? Ive had a couple of ladies pm me recently, about 2 seperate guys. Id only seen them each once. I don't really think @ times, u can determine, after 1 time. I damn sure wouldnt want 2 put anyone else, potentially in harms way..


Fancyinheels's Avatar
I understand your concern, but a reference just verifies that you've seen a gentleman BCD and that he presented no problems during the period you communicated and spent together, nothing more. None of us can really vouch for anyone's behavior past our own personal experience no matter how many visits transpire. Alas, people often change over time, and may interact differently with others. That's why most established providers require 2 or 3 recent references from different ladies so they can get a feel for a fellow before letting him feel her.

I, and most other carnal companions that I know, will give a reference after one session. If you're not comfortable, don't do it, or make it clear in your response to the inquiring provider that there are are qualifying stipulations, like you've only entertained the gent once, that it was a while back, etc.

Seems to me that if a provider asked for multiple visits prior to issuing a reference it might be perceived as a ploy for business. It would not, in my opinion, be particularly newbie-friendly, either. Also, many guys like variety so much they rarely repeat. Potential clients would need to be made well aware of any policy requiring more than one appointment before a vouch is given to the next lady.
Ive no problem giving a ref if: we communicate well b4 our visit & if hes respectful. If it's a newbie who i personally felt was: rude & did not respect my rules- then i will tell the inquiring provider: how the session went, i personally may not see him again, but, if she chooses to- be safe.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Once is fine. I think providers have come to rely on other providers too much when it comes to their own personal safety.

This is a dangerous business, we take risks, when I say I have seen someone and they are good to go, that just means we had sex and he is not LE, I am in no way endorsing them other than that.

However, I will say, if someone I have seen is using me as a reference and they rubbed me the wrong way during our session, I'll say "he is safe to see, but I would NOT see him again".
Once is fine. I think providers have come to rely on other providers too much when it comes to their own personal safety.

This is a dangerous business, we take risks, when I say I have seen someone and they are good to go, that just means we had sex and he is not LE, I am in no way endorsing them other than that.

However, I will say, if someone I have seen is using me as a reference and they rubbed me the wrong way during our session, I'll say "he is safe to see, but I would NOT see him again". Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde

Brooke: i absolutely agree w/ u. The last paragraph is basically what i was trying to get at. Ill give a 1st timer a review if he doesnt get out of hand: ie: too physical, bad hygiene..
So from reading your post...I gather that a guy has to see you more than a few times for you to ever get a reference from you....interesting..

So - if you flip it - then that means a guy has to see you at least a few times to provide a positive/"yes" review as well...
pyramider's Avatar
You should see a fucktard a minimum of 43 times prior to giving a reference.
Not at all. Ill see a new guy, & give him a ref, as long as he was a nice, respectful man. I saw a newbie recently, he was very nice & did not disrespect in anyway. The next day, i was contacted by a provider who was inquiring about the same guy & gave a good ref for him.
Not at all. Ill see a new guy, & give him a ref, as long as he was a nice, respectful man. I saw a newbie recently, he was very nice & did not disrespect in anyway. The next day, i was contacted by a provider who was inquiring about the same guy & gave a good ref for him. Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
Not at all. Ill see a new guy, & give him a ref, as long as he was a nice, respectful man. I saw a newbie recently, he was very nice & did not disrespect in anyway. The next day, i was contacted by a provider who was inquiring about the same guy & gave a good ref for him. Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
So what the hell is this threAd about?
I damn sure wouldnt want 2 put anyone else, potentially in harms way.. Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
but **you** were in harms way....the same potential.

Tell the whore you've seen him only didn't die....and she needs to do her own screening just the same.

Do you usually hand over his plate number and home address to her? that would give her a big head start.
I don't mind if someone sees me only once and then uses me as a reference.

I do take issue when they have seen me only once, say 6, 8 or even 10 months ago and continue to use me as a reference.

When I give references I simply tell the lady all the details; how many times I have seen the gent, how long ago, how the sesh went, etc. I always make a point to say something like, "He is my good regular client, I have known him a long time." or "I have only seen him the one time."

Then, she can make up her own mind. It is no one's responsibility to screen for me or make decisions on who I see/don't see; that is up to me. So, ultimately, even if a gent has 20 references, any provider should be making their own judgement call on whether or not they will see someone.

I would just stick to a system such as this, and give all the deets about a guy when asked.
I agree w/ u as well. If i saw them once, and lets say a few months have passed, and i get an overload of ladies asking about the same 1 guy- i tell the truth: i saw him 1 time months ago... And leave it at that... If a guy is a complete asshole- & a girl inquires, ill say i saw him & it didn't end well, i wont be seeing him again. THEN, its up to the provider. We all have different ways of screening guys. When youve been in the industry for a while, you may know a few ways to figure someone out.. Im all about helping a NEWBIE gain momentum, because lets face it: we are all here for our own pleasure & diff reasons..
Brooke Wilde's Avatar

I do take issue when they have seen me only once, say 6, 8 or even 10 months ago and continue to use me as a reference. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
I agree. One thing that raises a red flag for me is ... lets say I saw "Bob" and the session went okay, then over the next 4 months "Anna, Bell, Cathy, Diane, Erin, Farrah, Gia, Hannah, Isabella & Joyce" all contact me for a reference, yet in month 5, "Bob" is still using me as reference.

It makes me wonder, why is he still using me as a reference, yet he has seen all these other providers after seeing me? Even if he has not see every provider that contacted me, he most certinally saw a few of them.

In cases like this I will tell the provider, "yes, I have seen him, although he has seen a lot of providers since he saw me and I would have to question why he is not using his most current references".
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
On another note, I saw a guy earlier this month and the session was awful.

Nothing to cause me to place an alert or blacklist him on sites, however, I would never see him again. In this case I am actually hoping that he uses me as a reference, that way I can let the next provider he contacts know my experience with him.

Gives me the hebegebees just thinking about him.