I remember a Dallas Poll from a couple of years ago where a not well-like gent put up a poll giving the Community the opportunity to send him packing. They did. By a substantial margin. He whined and waffled, but eventually left.
I voted he leave. I mean, I knew very little of him but I did not like his whiny posts.
Afterwards I thought it odd that he had such little understanding of how the other perceived him. But I guess, in retrospect, we don't know until we know.
If I figure out how to work this poll thing, I'm going to ask your opinions on how this chaos of late has affected your opinion of SA ECCIE, and the participants in said chaos.
I own my part. I dislike Bullies and will resist. It's what I know. That is not meant to sound noble. Nothing noble about being hard-headed. Sometimes the line drawn moves.
Let's see if I can figure out how to do a poll: