How far ahead should I plan?

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How far in advance should a date be planned? I lean to the OCD side of things and tend to plan way ahead.
How far in advance should a date be planned? I lean to the OCD side of things and tend to plan way ahead. Originally Posted by ssbk2011
I prefer to plan as far ahead in advance as possible, sometimes a last minute trip may happen but the sooner you can plan the better organized and professional you are 😁
I mostly do last minute appts. I do not know how horny I will be next Thursday at 8pm. I know when I get horny, I want relief. Most appointments are from regulars and same day for these women. Your first time seeing a lady probably give at least 24 hours to screen but if you had a good time subsequent appts can be last minute if she is free. So, if you have 5 regulars providers odds are one will be free when you want some.