It's Her Birthday!!! ~*~ The Alpha ~*~

Alpha and Camille BCD...

So I asked her how she was going to celebrate her birthday...

Her: "Not much planned for my birthday. Just another day"

I then asked her what did she wanted for a gift...

Her: "Send me flowers... And send some to yourself too."

~•~ ~•~ ~•~

This is the type of person our Alpha is... Kind, humble, radiant, thoughtful.

She is more than the Sex Goddess we know about. And YES, she IS ALL THAT, absolutely no false advertisement there. Alpha is a woman of taste, class, and of a-ma-zing resourceful sexual abilities.

To providers, she is a blessing. She returns reference checks so quickly it makes you want to hug her for allowing you to conduct business as you should. She remembers her clients and she worries about our safety. She is never hesitant to refer her clients to other providers as she understands the nature of our business and what makes men happy.

To hobbyists... Well... She is a dream come true. Alpha is sex appeal in the shape of a woman. Everything from her smile, to her voice, to her body, and how she moves... She understands men! AND she TRULY wants to please those who walk through her door. There is a reason why you read amazing reviews after amazing reviews.... She IS the whole package. We are very lucky to have her in San Antonio.

The best part? Even though I know and YOU know she is all that and some, at the end of the day, she is the humble woman who thinks her birthday is "Just Another Day"

Happy Birthday, Sexy. May you continue to haunt men's dreams for many more years to come!

Your friend...


P.s.: What was I thinking... What is an Alpha post without a picture of her??


The movies will never be the same.

Have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Alpha!!!!

Camille truly summed up who she is, and what she is all about in that outstanding first post. Having been given the opportunity and the honor of meeting Alpha in person on many occasions. I can say without a doubt she is truly an ATF of mine, and someone who possess all that embodies what this site should be about. A deadly mix of intelligence, charm, caring and humbleness. Her outer beauty really comes second to her truly fantastic inner beauty.

We are truly lucky in SA to have such a truly kind hearted and genuine person, that makes gentlemens fantasies become reality.

Hope you have a Fantastic day Alpha. Thank you for being top notch. I will leave you with my favorite quote she told said to me which sums her up.

"I am just a normal gal, in a Fancy body." I love this quote as it's simple yet humble in nature. Anyone who has met her knows she truly is an extraordinary lady. And your time with her is truly an experience.

Desperado's Avatar
Happy birthday beautiful lady. I hope your day is filled with much love and happiness.
Well said and written, Camille!! She is a VERY SPECIAL WOMAN in all aspects as well as you also!! You put in words what we all would like to say about her!! Obrigado!
txdeerhuntin1's Avatar
Alpha and i were discussing not long ago how close our bdays are and what we might do to celebrate... We laughed about "getting older" and talked about the board..... She smiled and said- "I'm turning 39 and and it's ok to tell".... She is so very comfortable with who she is and humble about all that she is.

All I can say is that you are truly only getting better with age!

I hope you have an awesome birthday!!
It took a very long time for our planets to align, but when they finally did she shot me to the Moon. She deserves all of the kudos she receives. Happy Birthday, Alpha!! You're a present to us every day!
Daracus's Avatar
Enjoy your birthday and continue to fuckem all silly!
Happy Birthday Alpha!!!

Even though you may think it is just another day it is still your day so be happy and enjoy it
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
Happy Birthday Alpha. I can't wait to see you again.

Happy bday. Should be national holiday. Except instead of flags at halfstaff all poles would have extensions. Its called th e Alpha-effect
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Hope you have a wonderful day full of love and laughs.

Camille very well said and sincere expressions,I'm sure she treasures your friendship.
DallasRain's Avatar
have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Alpha!

You're a beautiful treasure!
Happy Birthday Alpha!!

Look forward to meeting you soon hopefully