Postponing my visit

I just posted a few days ago about coming back but I think I am going to go visit another city first and will be back to Louisiana after that. I will post again when I decide to return.

Ravendog34's Avatar
Did you ever make it to Lafayette?
DallasRain's Avatar
take care sugar!
Awh Ravendog! Don't sad face me. I'll be back!!

And yes, croxley I did make it to Lafayette.. not sure which trip you're referring to but in the last month or so I was there.
eholiday's Avatar
Awh babe! I'm just exploring a little bit. I think it's nice to be a new face sometimes..
I agree Tanner, it will be nice to be a new face every now and then. I think Im gonna put on my big girl pants and go on my first tour soon.
So uh, wanna go to Dallas with me?
when are you going?
In the next 2-5 weeks I'm hoping! I'll PM you
Big Fish's Avatar
I know Houma would love a visit from you sometime.
Oh really? How far is Houma from BR?
Big Fish's Avatar
It's about 2 to 2 1/2 hours south of BR. Depending on how you drive.
I drive like a boss! I'll see ya in fifteen Lol just kidding. Okay, let me see what I can do about visiting.