Pregnant Providers

So I just want to put this out there: I get it that Preggo Sex is a fetish for some, and I don't judge guys because you want it. But from a more holistic standpoint, it makes me sad when a woman who is going to bring a new life into this shit-storm we know as Life is still out there hooking. To any pregnant Provider - I wish for you a healthy child, and that you'll get out of this circus as quickly as you can.
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 01-29-2017, 05:14 PM
There is something sacred, in my view, about a "woman with child" and I won't see her and then for some time afterward. At some point later, when I'm comfortable, my interest begins to stir.

Gentlemen, I could not have expressed my own feelings better than the two of you just never occurred to me to post on this topic, though.
Doglegg's Avatar
Its the Madonna/whore complex gentlemen.

The pregnant female is sacred, holy even and thetefore is not meant to be tainted by something as animalistic as sex.

There are guys that do not want blowjobs from their wives because thise lips kiss their children.

Hoping a pregnant female stops providing after having a child...

My own mother never, ever had sex, my sister, brothers and myself were immaculate conception.

Puhleeeeeeeze. Even June Cleaver gave Beaver and Wally's old man a piece now and then.

Many females within the hobby provide in order to provide for their families.

Get over it. People fuck, children are created as a result. Children have to eat, and serving at IHOP doesnt buy, clothes, food, or a roof for a family of two, so women have to find a little 'extra' to make ends meet.

Do I find preggos sexy? Depends on the lady and whether she is lactating and willing to share.

The only thing i have found that i do not care for is DATY with a pregnant woman.

There is a discharge I find unpleasant.
This is an odd place to find people sermonizing. While I don't advocate new-moms serving up the goods, I certainly understand the financial obligations of these gals, particularly when they've just had a baby. Medical care is never cheap, specially not in the Obama care sphere. And when you've now got to care for another mouth to feed, one that requires urgent med care, then it's more than reasonable for a lady to not only continue providing services, but find herself obligated to search out a more vigorous revenue stream. But finally, this is really not the place to go lecturing our providers, nor for that matter the fellows who put cash in their pockets and ultimately the food in their children's mouths.
Dr Grey's Avatar
Finding a woman attractive while pregnant is one thing. Sure, it's appealing to some people. Not my thing personally, unless perhaps it was my own.

However a lady putting herself at risk to infection of an std, uti or anything while pregnant could put the child at risk. Even the sex itself could pose a danger if not careful enough, let alone seeing multiple partners. I'm not to tell men and women what they should or shouldn't do. They can make their own decisions. I would hope the proper research is done to know what to do, but not something I'd leave to chance.

I just know I wouldn't take part in it. I personally wouldn't want to be responsible and couldn't live with myself if the result of my behavior led to any birth defects. I would reserve preggo sex for a significant other (if absolutely needed and i do understand can be a healthy activity if done the right way with much research), not something I'd do with a provider though. That is just me though.
Even June Cleaver gave Beaver and Wally's old man a piece now and then. Originally Posted by Doglegg
LOL! I'll bet Ward made her keep the apron on!
I always wonder where some of these discussions come from. Just too funny in my book questioning the morality of someone. Especially on here. The place of immortality.

To stay on topic. . Every lady evaluates their business and the risks associated with it. As do the gents here. We never know the situation of a person and why they are here. And it's really nobodies business. Just like ladies who leave and come back after a hiatus. Or say s gent who disables his account or changes his handle. Nobodies business but there's.

There are feitishes for all In this community. But in the end. It's about respect and having fun.

Puhleeeeeeeze. Even June Cleaver gave Beaver and Wally's old man a piece now and then.

No she didn' take that back.
Puhleeeeeeeze. Even June Cleaver gave Beaver and Wally's old man a piece now and then.

No she didn' take that back. Originally Posted by biggestbubba
I will say. This was a funny one.
n81428's Avatar
Once had a very pragnant woman practically throw herself on my unit. I bailed, but later questioned myself why I did that.
ck1942's Avatar
Not sure that I can agree that pregnancy is truly a "fetish" per se unless those are the only providers coveted by a hobbyist.

My rationale:

Pregnancy is a normal part of life and of sex. Although both the male and the female may feel once pregnant, sex should be avoided, or at lest vaginal sex, but life goes on until birth happens.

Most ob/gyns seem to allow -- AND EVEN ENCOURAGE -- sex throughout a pregnancy or at least up until the final few weeks as long as the partners are comfortable and gynecological conditions are normal.

Many hobbyists, yes, will avoid a very visibly pregnant provider; others may seek them out, which I would classify as close to if not actually a fetish.

Breast milking is definitely a fetish in my book, although may just be a curiosity or a bucket list item for many.

Just my dos centavos, of course.