Kids at a wedding?

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I recently went to a very elegant wedding that the bride and groom took over a year to plan. Every detail was perfect. It was by far the most beautiful wedding I have ever attended.

Now the invitation CLEARLY stated it was an adults only affair...The bride stated that she called the guest who had the nerve to RSVP with a +1 and remided them that due to the venue size they could not accomodate more people than already invited. I imagine the cost per head was well over $700.00. She also stated that all through the year they mentioned it was an adults only affair..

So this one family- her fiance's cousin shows up with her husband as indicated in the RSVP , PLUS 3 kids in tow......There was a little baby who cooed and "talked" during the ceremoney at the church, the mother encouraged it, the 2 year old who ran around and screamed like a hellion th entire time at the church ruining the vow ceremony, and a 5 year old who fought with the 2 year old at the church.....This woman even tried to interject her kids in their pictures! The bride was livid! So she asked me to do her a favor and let the family know it was an adults only affair and that everyone left their kids at home with a sitter to enjoy the night sans rugrats! I kindly asked her after the ceremony to please return for cocktails and dinner without the kids as they did not have seating prepared for them and the menu was not child friendly. I even stated it would not be great to have kids around adults who have been drining.....This WOMAN behaved as if I decided this and not the bride. She demanded to speak to the bride. Thank God the bride's father took over and they left..

I have been to plenty of kid friendly weddings before and they have been ok but some kids are hellions and one stuck their finger in the cake. The parents thought it was so cute.

What get's me as rude is that they asked if the kids could come and were told it was an adults only affair......They KNEW and still showed up anyway.....She even asked if her oldest could be in the wedding stating that he " had enough practice having been at 3 other weddings". She was politely told NO and it was not mentioned for months......

Do you think the bride is wrong for wanting it to be HER day?

Oh yeah and she showed up looking like a prostitute! I know what prostitutes look like and she gave the ladies a bad name with that tacky red excuse for a dress. Was I wrong to ask her to leave and do as the bride asked? I mean she knew i would have no problem telling tacky to get moving!
I would never have a big wedding for this very reason - people love to sabotage. This woman and her man are awful to do what they did and personally I would have had them ejected pronto.

Yes it is the bride and groom's day and it staggers me that people will try and mess with that.

At the last wedding I went to my 'friend' sabotaged her sister's wedding and wouldn't admit to what she did. It was so mean, and one of the reasons I stopped talking to her.
Absolutely not; the parents should have been embarrassed. I missed some of my brother’s ceremony because I took my daughter out of the sanctuary when she couldn’t hold still. I don’t know where modern society took, in my opinion, a wrong turn with manners and the niceties in life. Not everything has to be family or kid friendly. Some things are kid friendly and some things aren’t. I love children and young mothers, but I love my adult fun.

Also, I don't believe in dressing in anything flashy formal affairs where there a lady is the center of attention such as a wedding on a coming out party. It's in the poorest taste.
No doubt in my mind that the parents were at fault here. Although most don't have it in place, security should have been there to handle just this kind of situation with a previously decided directive to not allow any guest with children. Some may think that is a harsh way of handling it but a wedding is what it is and is usually thought to be the Bride's big day. Plus it was clear from the invitation on through a year of planning that children were not to be brought to the event.

I agree with Olivia. I don't know where people in this country got the harebrained idea that manners and courtesy are passé or that adult fun has to cater to kids just because someone has kids.
I don't know where people in this country got the harebrained idea that manners and courtesy are passé or that adult fun has to cater to kids just because someone has kids. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera

I agree. I've moved to Miami which is very Hispanic and a lot of Latins let their kids go crazy with their screeching and crying in stores. I want to smack them over the head and then tell the parents off but of course it's not good form here... And they probably wouldn't know what I'm talking about in more ways than one.

It sucks.
^^^^^ I have been to Miami many times and had family down there at one time so I know what you mean. The Cuban's and South American's would have no idea what you were saying especially if you were on Calle Ocho... for you non-Spanish speaking folks, that 8th street in Miami where if you don’t know Spanish, you can’t get the Postelles’s at the store fronts because they don’t take American Express and they don’t speak Ingles either. LOL!
How self centered of someone to bring their kids to such an event.
It clearly said adult affair and they didn't care who they were interrupting.
John Bull's Avatar
The blame lies with the bride and her retinue for not blocking these cretins entrance to the church and the reception.

Points to them all, I think.
^^^^^ I have been to Miami many times and had family down there at one time so I know what you mean. The Cuban's and South American's would have no idea what you were saying especially if you were on Calle Ocho... for you non-Spanish speaking folks, that 8th street in Miami where if you don’t know Spanish, you can’t get the Postelles’s at the store fronts because they don’t take American Express and they don’t speak Ingles either. LOL! Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
I wondered why Pittbull picked Calle Ocho vs any other street for that smokin' song.
^^^^Well Pitbull is of Cuban descent and he was born in Miami. Calle Ocho is also known as Little Havana, so there you go.

The blame lies with the bride and her retinue for not blocking these cretins entrance to the church and the reception.

Points to them all, I think. Originally Posted by John Bull
Interesting thought but no, it is not the bride's or her party's fault. Fault lies entirely with the parents who knew that children were not allowed. To blame anyone else is shifting responsibility of actions done to a party that should not share in that. The parents knew well in advance what the score was but decided to do what they wanted regardless which makes the parent responsible and at fault, plain and simple. Too many folks in this country today are thinking that "others" are to blame when it is they who have the blame for what they do and that they are responsible for their choices made.

Now, was it a mistake for the wedding planner or bride to not have security in place? Yes, it was but it was not their fault that someone acted in poor form and did what they wanted to do.
John Bull's Avatar
To many folks, in a position to prevent misconduct done to them or folks around them, do nothing and in doing nothing, enable the perpetrators and convince them that they can always get away with it.

Your point though is equally valid and acknowledged.