Democrats can’t seem to run a presidential election without a major scam

berryberry's Avatar
Courtesy David Sacks. Democrats can’t seem to run a presidential election without a major scam:

2016: Hillary campaign funds phony Steele Dossier, fraudulently mislabeling it as a legal expense. This becomes the basis for an FBI investigation, fraud on the FISA court, spying on the Trump campaign, a special counsel investigation, and multi-year “Russian collusion” hoax.

2020: Biden campaign organizes “51 intelligence authorities” to lie that Hunter’s laptop is “Russian disinformation” to discredit legitimate evidence of Biden Family corruption. Big Tech censors the story after being primed by FBI (which knows laptop is real) to be vigilant for a Russian “hack-and-leak” operation involving Hunter Biden.

2024: Biden’s DOJ along with partisan local DAs invent novel legal theories to pursue unprecedented lawfare against Trump.
Meanwhile Biden’s declining cognitive condition is covered up and called a partisan lie.

Are Democrats even capable of running a presidential campaign without massive hoaxes, disinformation campaigns and election interference involving corruption of government officials and complicity of the mainstream media? This should be offensive to every voter.
bambino's Avatar
They have to lie. And cheat. Who would vote for what’s happening now? Open borders, Inflation, crime and wars. You voted for Joey Bribes, that’s what you got.
berryberry's Avatar
So true. The leftists can only win by cheating
winn dixie's Avatar
Courtesy David Sacks. Democrats can’t seem to run a presidential election without a major scam:

2016: Hillary campaign funds phony Steele Dossier, fraudulently mislabeling it as a legal expense. This becomes the basis for an FBI investigation, fraud on the FISA court, spying on the Trump campaign, a special counsel investigation, and multi-year “Russian collusion” hoax.

2020: Biden campaign organizes “51 intelligence authorities” to lie that Hunter’s laptop is “Russian disinformation” to discredit legitimate evidence of Biden Family corruption. Big Tech censors the story after being primed by FBI (which knows laptop is real) to be vigilant for a Russian “hack-and-leak” operation involving Hunter Biden.

2024: Biden’s DOJ along with partisan local DAs invent novel legal theories to pursue unprecedented lawfare against Trump.
Meanwhile Biden’s declining cognitive condition is covered up and called a partisan lie.

Are Democrats even capable of running a presidential campaign without massive hoaxes, disinformation campaigns and election interference involving corruption of government officials and complicity of the mainstream media? This should be offensive to every voter. Originally Posted by berryberry
... Absolutely Correct!

#### Salty