You brought it on, now can you line like this?

I've only seen the cliff notes of project 2025.
A bunch of Christian national garbage. What are you bringing on?
And do you think you can live like that?
Do you?
Or do you think all of the good little Trumpers will be able to get a pass to do all of the things
they currently enjoy, and those things only apply to those that oppose you?
Not fucking likely!
Can you live like that?
And since everybody that likes to post on here prides themselves on their ability to do research, so you all probably have read p2025 in its entirety, do you think you could live under these draconian laws? Is this the Christian caliphate being shoved up Americas ass?
At least the Muslims are honest about their intentions!
You all ought to get some Muslim advisors on the subject!
They'll show you how to caliphate!
So the question remains, could you live in this handmaid's tale society brought on by you all to benifit one treasonous POS?
Could you?
Come on now don't be shy!
MAGA has no interest in freedom or liberty. All it takes is a cursory glance over their beloved "Project 2025" to see how much they hate freedom and liberty.

What they really want is their own brand of authoritarianism installed by Dear Leader and they want to be tread on. Tread harder, daddy! Tread harder!

MAGA is the gayest fucking group of people on earth.
I've only seen the cliff notes of project 2025.
A bunch of Christian national garbage. What are you bringing on?
And do you think you can live like that?
Do you?
Or do you think all of the good little Trumpers will be able to get a pass to do all of the things
they currently enjoy, and those things only apply to those that oppose you?
Not fucking likely!
Can you live like that?
And since everybody that likes to post on here prides themselves on their ability to do research, so you all probably have read p2025 in its entirety, do you think you could live under these draconian laws? Is this the Christian caliphate being shoved up Americas ass?
At least the Muslims are honest about their intentions!
You all ought to get some Muslim advisors on the subject!
They'll show you how to caliphate!
So the question remains, could you live in this handmaid's tale society brought on by you all to benifit one treasonous POS?
Could you?
Come on now don't be shy!
??? Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
... WINNING! ...

#### Salty
... WINNING! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again