"Golden and Brown"

That.guy001's Avatar
It's time for another interesting topic of discussion. I ran across a provider ad that had listed under services, "Golden and Brown". Now, for those of you who get it...

Let me first say to each his own.

That being said, I'm not sure what my reaction is or whether I want to meet a provider like this. I do find her openness interesting. Im not a fan of these services but maybe just for grins I could sit back while some dude gets the "brown". haha!
rgvpapi's Avatar
LOL...funny post, but a good topic.

I have to admit, the idea of a lady who provides such things both intrigues me and yet, frightens me just a little bit.

As far as the hobbyists who request such services, who am I to judge?

just my .02
rjdiner's Avatar
LOL...funny post, but a good topic.

As far as the hobbyists who request such services, who am I to judge?

just my .02 Originally Posted by rgvpapi
Reminds me of a line from Pearl Necklace
"I can keep a handle anything just this side of deranged."

Even I have my standards.
supermario691's Avatar
We must have seen the same ad. not sure either