November 2 hypothetical question

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Just got finished watching a segment on 60 minutes- I believe the town was in Iowa where the unemployment was very high with huge layoffs. The report was sad being the fact that these were all hard working small business owners who due to the economy was in a tough spot. What was amazing was that nearly all the people interviewed didn't put the blame solely on the Dems or the Republicans but insisted that if it were up to them they would get rid of every incumbent in congress regardless if they were Dem or Rep. One resident put it that if a Dem says something the Republicans go against it and if the Republican says or tries something the Dems are against it.
Honestly guys if hypothetically every incumbent lost this Tuesday do you think it would be a major difference?
Yes. Hypothetically, if every incumbent lost then the GOP would be in charge of the House. Spending would be cut (hypothetically). Taxes would be lowered (hypothetically). Obama's agenda would be stopped (hypothetically). Impeachment proceedings would be started (hypothetically) - sorry, had to get that last dig in.

But, yes, things would be markedly different when the GOP gets in - and, according to the New York Times (in Monday's edition), the gains in the House by the GOP will be bigger than either party had been predicting earlier. There's change I can hope for.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
fritz that wasn't the answer I was looking you have the approach that all the GOP's are angels and it's strictly the DEMS fault- the GOP has been in charged of the house before and didn't do squat and there's a helluva a lot of GOP crooks that need to lose their seat. I am not sure about spending remember GOP had some years where they control the house and Bush spent like crazy
dirty dog's Avatar
fritz that wasn't the answer I was looking you have the approach that all the GOP's are angels and it's strictly the DEMS fault- the GOP has been in charged of the house before and didn't do squat and there's a helluva a lot of GOP crooks that need to lose their seat. I am not sure about spending remember GOP had some years where they control the house and Bush spent like crazy Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Wellendowed, I will say that it would be wonderful and I would fully support the dismisal of all incumbents. I think there would be some different goings on, but it would be short lived. The real problem with our government is that it is bought and paid for by big business and special interest groups on both sides of the isle. Incumbents would succomb to the evils of washington in short order and we would just have a whole new bunch of names to hate.
Miss_Mya's Avatar
I saw that segment on 60 minutes as well and I liked it when the had some people at the american legion hall and were asking them questions. They made a good point about how politicians don't care about anything but themselves. They also made the point that in congress nobody listens like if the Republicans say something the Dems don't listen and vice versa. That is the real problem in Washington is that nobody wants to listen to anybody else but themselves. Just because the GOP will end up with control doesn't mean anything nothing will change until all the politicians start working together for our interest instead of working against each other for their own interest.
Longermonger's Avatar
Impeachment proceedings would be started (hypothetically) - sorry, had to get that last dig in. Originally Posted by fritz3552
For what?

I know the Republicans have their hearts set on impeaching the President. But they haven't decided on what they'll charge him with yet. They've only managed to narrow it down to about half a dozen ideas so far. Are they planning a multi-million dollar/multi-year fishing expedition like they did for Bill Clinton?
For what?

I know the Republicans have their hearts set on impeaching the President. But they haven't decided on what they'll charge him with yet. They've only managed to narrow it down to about half a dozen ideas so far. Are they planning a multi-million dollar/multi-year fishing expedition like they did for Bill Clinton? Originally Posted by Longermonger
It was a joke, LM. Lighten up, Francis.
fritz that wasn't the answer I was looking you have the approach that all the GOP's are angels and it's strictly the DEMS fault- the GOP has been in charged of the house before and didn't do squat and there's a helluva a lot of GOP crooks that need to lose their seat. I am not sure about spending remember GOP had some years where they control the house and Bush spent like crazy Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
It was the answer you were looking for. If all incumbents were thrown out, then the GOP would be in charge - just a matter of numbers. Then, I highlighted the things I believe would be different under the GOP's control of the House. Not giving any value judgements here, and yes, spending was out of control when Bush was in the WH and the GOP was in control - that's why they were thrown out in 2006. Hopefully, they learned their lesson and will keep spending in check. Otherwise, they'll get thrown out in 2012.
Longermonger's Avatar
It was a joke, LM. Lighten up, Francis. Originally Posted by fritz3552
There are several websites on the interwebs that list articles of impeachment for Obama. Most of them list different reasons. Are they all joking?

Republicans have already proposed it. This article says that an impeachment effort isn't going to be launched "at this point".
There are several websites on the interwebs that list articles of impeachment for Obama. Most of them list different reasons. Are they all joking?

Republicans have already proposed it. This article says that an impeachment effort isn't going to be launched "at this point". Originally Posted by Longermonger
I know. You just grabbed the bait.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As much as I dislike the present administration, if the Republicans try to impeach the President, they will be fools. We can't have every elected official threatened with impeachment when the other side takes power. If we don't like what is going on, we have elections. If our side doesn't win the election, maybe we ought to consider that the population doesn't like what we're doing. But we don't have to take casualties on the other side out of spite.

Obama won. Get over it. If you don't like it, convince the population to elect you in 2012.

But if there is an upside to impeachment proceedings, it's that it does keep the Congress from passing harmful legislation. And if the Republicans are stupid enough to pursue that, they should be voted out next time. Then we vote out the Democrats, then the Republicans, etc.
john_galt's Avatar
Longer, websites are not the GOP. I have not heard any reputable GOP leader say what you claim. Put up or shut up time Longer, remember a reputable leader of the GOP not a pundit or a nut case like Allen Grayson of Florida.
Maybe you didn't read the paper (oh, that paper didn't print it) but it was on the Internet; the document about what the GOP intended to do when they were in control of the Congress. NO, I'm not going to tell you. You learn more by looking it up yourself but it had more than a half a dozen ideas. I also didn't think it went far enough. Roll back spending to 2008 levels??? Why not 2004 levels?

Now you've got COG doing it. Responding to a charge that was never made. Troll watch!!!
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln

Until we start electing pols for their true character and not for the political line they spout, nothing will ever change.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Wellendowed, I will say that it would be wonderful and I would fully support the dismisal of all incumbents. I think there would be some different goings on, but it would be short lived. The real problem with our government is that it is bought and paid for by big business and special interest groups on both sides of the isle. Incumbents would succomb to the evils of washington in short order and we would just have a whole new bunch of names to hate. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Sadly I agree with you- yes it will be short lived, but eventually they will fall to the "higher" powers as well. DD do you ever wonder how someone like Ron Paul or Jesse ventura would do in the WH- or do you think that once you get in the WH- there are "people" who will control you one way or the other?
Longermonger's Avatar
I have not heard any reputable GOP leader say what you claim. Put up or shut up time Longer, remember a reputable leader of the GOP not a pundit or a nut case... Originally Posted by john_galt
Trick question. There are no reputable leaders of the GOP.

Are you saying that you think 5 term Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo and Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann aren't reputable?

Do you also think the cable news channel that aired this interview is part of the liberal media?