Encounter: Epic CW session

User ID: Ultra Violet
Date: 08/25/2023
Name: Ultra Violet
Phone: In ad
Email Address: Texted
URL / Website: In ad
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: Parmer/Mopac area
Activities: CW, BBBJTCNQNS
Hair Length and Color: Blonde, to her shoulders
Age: 35?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Tall blonde in good shape…..very easy on the eyes and great personality.
Recommendation: Yes
dillyx2's Avatar
CW=cock worship

Where did you see this ad?
CW=cock worship

Where did you see this ad? Originally Posted by dillyx2
I've seen Ultra Violet - she's good to go.
How can I get a reference?
BigBamboo's Avatar
Originally Posted by rmiauu
See the P411 link
Is the date correct? 2023?
Had a CW by MercyM today and it was pretty darn good