Golden Showers Or Brown Showers

There are very few websites that allow scat. Why do you think this is? Is it because there is not enough of a market for scat or is it because some website do not want to be affiliated with scat shows?

What arouses you more? Golden or brown showers?
Possibly because it is the most revolting fetish out there, outside the realm for most people. It is an indulgence few participate in, and not admittedly. It has not ' trickled ' down to a consumer level. ( Having fun with the language !)

There have been discussions regarding scat previously, met mostly with derision and insult. So be it. However, only a select few would care to even consider something that extreme. And it is extreme, to the majority of people.

This sight does address a number of fetish's, tho quite benign compared to your inquiry. Eccie is not a ' catch all ' fetish site, by any means. Quite the contrary, it is rather tame, for the most part, to extreme activities. There is a section - Another Realm - which is best suited for this topic. You won't find much elsewhere in here.

My advice would be to study the Another Realm section to learn who might be able to best answer your queries. I am positive they will be happy to have a dialogue with you.

Party on...
I have viewed both forms of porn, and can say that only golden showers garner my attention.

Giving and receiving, mostly as I do not view the activity as sadistic or degrading, but an activity where the two people are comfortable enough within themselves and each other to be able to just let go.

I have asked providers if I could watch while they pee, but I have always received a 'no' as a reply. A shame really.
  • DMike
  • 06-27-2014, 10:32 PM
neither ! nasty shit !
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Being a nurse for 20+ years I can not do anything that could harm someone...and SCAT does carry E.coli among other nasty bugs. Now urine is sterile and will not harm anyone if ingested...........So when a man adores feeling a womans hot wet golden liquid run down his chest, onto his cock........Yes Ill be more then happy to stand over him and deliver.

So as far as a market, Golden Showers are taboo but excepted by many, SCAT can be dangerous and harmful so many will run the other way as well sites not wanting to be held accountable.
MinxCity's Avatar
Ewww! I can't even watch that crap!
Lucky LaRue's Avatar
Brown no. Now the peeing thing Hmmm. I have watched Women pee and they have me. Once I asked my ATF while she was on the toilet peeing if I could pee between her legs. She spread them. We were both hitting the water at the same time and it was very hot. Well at least we got a good giggle out of it.
Ms. Athena--Thank you for your feedback. I have no intention of having a scat show with another person. I was just curious about what others thought. When doing webcam and clips, I have gotten requests for a scat show and had to decline because it was against the rules.

Up until 2 days ago I thought that all scat websites were based in other countries.
Scat HELL NO now watersports ive tried and enjoyed many times been peed on in and all over kinda hot actually but that's just me...
I think the taboo of having contact with feces is pretty deeply hardwired into our brains, likely for the health reasons that Ms. Athena mentioned. So scat is an extremely edge fetish because that hardwiring is quite difficult to get past!

On the other hand, urine is a liquid and is sterile when it leaves the body (although pathogens grow in it pretty quickly if it just sits around- so don't put it in a mason jar and save it LOL!). Liquids have a different set of associations that include cleansing and purity... so urine being a waste product is kind of counterbalanced by those associations, at least to the point that golden shower play is much easier for many people to accept.

Just my .02, of course you're free to think I'm full of... well, nevermind!
daddyowalt's Avatar
I am pretty kinky and have tried most of them at least once but I draw the line at scat. It smells nasty and I don't understand how it could be erotic.
This discussion is HOT yet very disturbing at the same time. I too am studying in the medical field. I have had requests for"scat"type sessions. It literally makes me I'll. I am with Athena on the idea of giving golden, NO problem. Anything else, a big NO thanks!
chicagoboy's Avatar
Now urine is sterile and will not harm anyone if ingested........... Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
On the other hand, urine ... is sterile when it leaves the body ... Originally Posted by Bijou Neko
Urine is not sterile, and neither is the rest of you
steverino50's Avatar
I find scat repulsive. But golden showers are highly erotic. I get an rush from it.
I did a golden shower once on VDay with a gf many years was very erotic and impromptu.
We tried to recreate the scene back at the house a few weeks later and it was total failure and gross!! LOL
Sometimes alcohol and spontaneous moments are a must!!!