my testosterone levels are back baby

I am 60 years old and I've been a dead log for years now.. no energy, no sex drive, muscle wasted away and fat increased. compounding the problem is my SO and I had our fallout. so I had my testosterone tested and it was only 180.. the doc wanted a fortune to prescribe me androgel so I decided to try a legal and non prescription DHEA topical instead which i simply squirt and rub into my skin every morning.

well I got my testosterone levels re-tested and my doctor was shocked.. they are now over 700!! my energy is up, libido is up, and i swear you can actually see my abs again for the first time since I was in my 40's. this stuff is amazing. now I am with my SB and she is half my age and she loves it.

each bottle lasts me about 10 weeks. so this is awesome and only costs about $60 a month vs. the $350 my doctor wanted.. plus its got a fat burner included and an anti-estrogen so you don't need to worry about high estrogen. << check out RS transaderm guys. well worth it
joesmo888's Avatar
congrats buddy. I can't imagine going through life with low testosterone. with the contaminants in our food, water, plastics, its hard to find anyone who doesn't have low T even in their 30's or 40's.. once you get in your 50's its a must to look into testosterone replacement .
Going to get mine tested too....I seem to have most of the symptoms. Just turned 50...probably time to check.

There are numerous non-prescription ways to increase testosterone. Bodybuilders have been using them for years (not talking steroids). Tribulus terrestris is probably the oldest, but numerous herbs and plants have been found to increase T, and the various products on the market now generally combine them. A friend of mine was recently tested, and found to have low T. I told him to ask his doctor about the non-prescription solutions out there. The doctor had no clue (which is my main gripe about our so called medical system---it is really more of a prescription drug dispensing system). Would love to see a study comparing the prescription vs the non prescription methods out there, but you won't find one. No money in it. I would suggest people do as joe did....try some of the other methods and see how they work. Getting the testosterone treatment is fine IF your insurance covers it...a huge waste of money, IMHO, if it doesn't. Also, getting direct testosterone supplementation tends to DECREASE your bodies creation of its own T. So, essentially, you'd be on that medication for life, which is just what the drug companies want. They don't want you healthy...they want your money.

</end of rant>
Lucky 1's Avatar
Most of the herbal stuff frankly are just bullshit...tribulas terrestris and fenugreek will help slightly if you are just a little low due to age and seem to help older men more than young......
Both of these products contain a chemical called "saponins" that cause your body into produce more lutenizing hormone...this is the hormone that signals your nuts to produce more testosterone ....they must be cycled on and off of because the body figures out after about a month that its being fooled and the affect fades.....

This is the best tribulas product out there:

If you're older and your levels have dropped a lot...these will NOT fix the problem!

If you want to do it right you are talking hormone replacement which means going to a doctor....and i will tell you that not 1 out of 500 doctors has any fucking clue about properly doing hormone replacement in men! Endocrinoligists???? Forget'em...they are not really trained in this although alot of them do it ..WRONG! and can screw you up worse....

If you need hormone replacement and you really want to do it right....and what does "doing it right mean"??? doing it right means you can literally feel like and have the sexual performance of a young man again.....this Doc is one of the top 2 or 3 mens health docs in the country.....and yes I go to him.....absolutely worth the trip to see

And with low testosterone is extremely who live there senior years with low T tend to die at a much younger age
^^^ I agree, but RS transaderm is a DHEA based product so its a loophole, no prescription necessary my friend and no need to go to the doctor. just sharing my experience, my bloods tell the whole story.

no reason to go through life depressed and always feeling run down, everyone give this product a shot and you can thank me later.. if it worked for me in my 60's then imagine what it will do for you!
keeping active and challenged will help. not saying you do or dont just as a general observation

guys that retire think they cant wait till theres no reason to get up early

but actually the body and brain create testosterone to keep up with the stress of working hard

the body will create more then replenish apon sleeping .. in a more sedate lifestyle the body will not produce the same levels
^^^ yes that helps but the environmental factors will affect your T levels.. plastics, flouride in water, lack of nutrients in our foods. as population keeps increasing the soil will continue to be diluted so even vegetables are losing their vits/minerals
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
HW sounds like a salesman to me. Is it lucrative?
joesmo888's Avatar
HW sounds like a salesman to me. Is it lucrative? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks

personally I am happy for Henry as I know many who suffer with low T. you should try being happy for others instead of being jealous. you would be a more successful person in life if you tried that
Doc_rob's Avatar
Sounds like you found a winner there. I was taking Androgel 1.62 but my insurance said no more so my doctor switched me to Fortesa. It is similar to Androgel but a lot less expensive and works just as well. I think the folks at Androgel are charging out the ass to pay for those damn commercials that play during half time.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I know many who suffer with low T ...

The following NY Times article suggests we should be careful with that whole Low T business:

you should try being happy for others instead of being jealous. Originally Posted by joesmo888
Questioning a poster's motivation for posting is being jealous? It seems that half of the OP's posts are on this topic, and he has a link to a site in his signature line - it's not reasonable to wonder if his motivation is purely economic?

Tell you what - I'll be happy for you, when you get a clue.
joesmo888's Avatar
Sounds like you found a winner there. I was taking Androgel 1.62 but my insurance said no more so my doctor switched me to Fortesa. It is similar to Androgel but a lot less expensive and works just as well. I think the folks at Androgel are charging out the ass to pay for those damn commercials that play during half time. Originally Posted by Doc_rob
you are 100% correct, androgel is a ripoff.. I would swap to RS transaderm instead what Henry mentioned. its DHEA based and is legal and cheap.

the reason androgel is so expensive is simple. because drug companies want to milk you to death.
personally I am happy for Henry as I know many who suffer with low T. you should try being happy for others instead of being jealous. you would be a more successful person in life if you tried that Originally Posted by joesmo888
wow thank you sir!

people who don't know what I've gone through have no clue.. its just ignorance on their part so it doesn't bother me
joesmo888's Avatar
hey Henry any updates?
hey Henry any updates? Originally Posted by joesmo888
still feeling great.. my T levels are still over 700.. my doctor said to just keep taking the RS transaderm and I don't need injections or androgel anymore. this is a big relief as I am retired and do not have the income I did when i was working to pay a fortune for injections or androgel