Phone Destroyed Pleaseme0375/ Amy

I finally got pissed and threw that POS phone. Time to change my # anyways. Stay posted for the new #. Gonna take some time off and regroup. If you need me, then just PM me for now.

Just realized that i really am a blonde. Wrong forum. Can someone move it for me to the correct forum?
A woman after my own heart. If it wasn't a "company" phone it would have been out the window somewhere between San Antonio and Kerrville at 75 MPH.
Having a tempter tantrum due to phone issues does not make an alert. Moved
Mature210's Avatar
I finally got pissed and threw that POS phone. Time to change my # anyways. Stay posted for the new #. Gonna take some time off and regroup. If you need me, then just PM me for now.

Amy Originally Posted by pleaseme0375
Tell the truth, the phone was on the bed and got slammed during one of your high energy and physically intense sessions...
No, i would have bragged about that for sure. Lol
Mature210's Avatar
No, i would have bragged about that for sure. Lol Originally Posted by pleaseme0375