Any dwarf escorts?

  • JTL88
  • 11-20-2024, 08:22 PM
Figured this is a long shot but are there any dwarf/little person escorts in the area? Thanks for the help.
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
Idk but if you google "rent a dwarf", the site charactersforhire pops up.....

If you happen to find one, who just so happens to be lifestyle friendly, let us know, ME especially lol.....

I'd love to make a new friend !!!!
Bobster36's Avatar
Here's one in Cleveland. Maybe you can fly her out?
txexetoo's Avatar
There is a dancer at The Lodge who is a dwarf. Maybe you can get her OTC
nookiebandit's Avatar
Here's one in Cleveland. Maybe you can fly her out? Originally Posted by Bobster36

i looked for more dwarfs on tryst but it was a short list.
  • pipe
  • 11-26-2024, 11:35 AM
Most Colombians and Venezuelans, and some Salvadorans.
corona's Avatar
Here's one in Cleveland. Maybe you can fly her out? Originally Posted by Bobster36


Here's one in Cleveland. Maybe you can fly her out? Originally Posted by Bobster36
Under 50 lbs, she can go into a checked bag…