"PROVIDERS" & "HOBBYIST"why do they lie?

Still Looking's Avatar
"Providers" lie about many things. They lie about how many hobbyists they see in a day. About how old they are. About how much they weigh. About how long they have been a provider. About where that’s really them in the pictures. About why they hobby. About working with an agency. About doing BBFS. About having orgasms. About their personal lives. About telling the truth!

"Hobbyists lie about how many women they have been with. About penis size. About how long they can have sex. About how many times they can orgasm in an hour. About pleasuring a provider. About their age. About why they hobby. About what they really like young or old providers. About BBW providers. And also about their personal lives and telling the truth in general.

Even when there is absolutely NO REASON what so ever to lie, they lie!

WHY do people do this?
bodilly's Avatar
Everyone involved in this board is a liar at some point .We all have a character flaw or we wouldn't here.

Some Providers lie to protect themselves and there family.
Some providers lie about their age so they stay in a popular age bracket .
Some providers lie to spare you feelings thus increasing the chance that you will repeat .

Most hoobbiest are liars because they have to lie to their wives about everything .They lie to find the time to get away from work family etc.. to go see the providers.
We also lie to spare the providers feelings about their age their looks and their skills.

The reason we lie when there is no reason is anyone's guess. Could because you are a pathogical liar.
Could be because you get caught up the lies you tell that you can't tell the difference between the truth and a lie anymore.
Still Looking's Avatar
Interesting prospective Bodilly. No doubt people lie about different issues for different reasons. A provider wanting to be in a certain age bracket is obvious. The issue I would think is interesting to discuss is when someone is obviously lying is confronted yet continues to lie. Most recently I had a session with a provider. There was NO WAY in hell she was the person in the pictures she (Agency) had published. Yet she insisted it was her. Even when I pulled out the pictures I had printed from the BP ad she insisted it was her. It would have been so easy to say, yes that’s not me. I don't feel comfortable having my real pictures published. Or any number of reasons or excuses she could have given. But NO, she maintains she is in fact the one in the pictures. Then if you pursue exposing the lie they get angry with you. They start a personal assault. Like, "oh ya, well you’re ugly!" "Yes your right I'm ugly, but why are you lying?" No matter what you say, they will keep lying.

I read a review not that long ago, where a well know hobbyist claimed he was able to make the provider "O" 9 times. He himself had three. This was a 30 minute session. So I read a few more of his reviews. Low and behold, he gets every provider to "O" no less than 3-5 times. REALLY? REALLY? Is he telling the truth? Perhaps. But do YOU believe it? I sure as hell don't. No hate mail please. I'm sure that there are women that can have multiple orgasms. And I'm sure there are guys who are real Casanovas that really get the girls going. But NINE? REALLY?

I think we have all told "White Lies" to protect someone’s feelings. But why this need to maintain a lie when you’re obviously BUSTED? Pathological..... I wouldn’t know. I was raised that the punishment for lying will be much greater than what you’re lying about. I was also taught you don't need to answer every question that someone might bring your way. You can simply say, "I'm not going to answer that!"
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Didn't we have this conversation not too long ago lol. You and I in fact got into a pretty good discussion over it...
Soonerman12's Avatar
Love this thread. In my experiences with providers, I've found some frequent lying about age. Some day, these ladies need to realize that age does show. Things do start on a continuous slippery slope of sagging unless someone works out hard and really takes care of themselves. Let's face it.. Many of the young providers don't take care of themselves well. By the time some of them are 26, they are going to look a lot older than their age, and I wouldn't want to pay for services.

Hobbyists lie also.. Guys love to embellish stuff. Locker room bravado never goes away -- not even in later years.
Still Looking's Avatar
Didn't we have this conversation not too long ago lol. You and I in fact got into a pretty good discussion over it... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

I'm NOT going to answer that! LOL But if that’s true, I think it might have been some time ago! Us old guys can remembers things like we us too! I do seem to remember someone convincing me that NOTHING is EVER 100%! A very factual and true statement!
bojulay's Avatar
I do it in the opposite direction so I don't scare them off.
They don't need to know that I can go 12 hours nonstop
before I catch my second wind. OOPS guess the cat's
out of the bag now.
Still Looking's Avatar
I do it in the opposite direction so I don't scare them off.
They don't need to know that I can go 12 hours nonstop
before I catch my second wind. OOPS guess the cat's
out of the bag now. Originally Posted by bojulay
If you can go 12 hours, I know just where to bury you on the 13th! LOL

Did you mean minutes? LOL
Still Looking's Avatar
Love this thread. In my experiences with providers, I've found some frequent lying about age. Some day, these ladies need to realize that age does show. Things do start on a continuous slippery slope of sagging unless someone works out hard and really takes care of themselves. Let's face it.. Many of the young providers don't take care of themselves well. By the time some of them are 26, they are going to look a lot older than their age, and I wouldn't want to pay for services.

Hobbyists lie also.. Guys love to embellish stuff. Locker room bravado never goes away -- not even in later years. Originally Posted by Soonerman12
It’s hard to overcome gravity! LOL
I DONT know why people lie..maybe its n them or something...most lie about there age b/c some men like older so they lie...Now i my lie but its nothing big mosly about orgasms...To me i look at it like this If you lie you have to keep lieing to cover the one that you told at first..I can barely keep up with myself let alone a bunch of lies...
Still Looking's Avatar
I DONT know why people lie..maybe its n them or something...most lie about there age b/c some men like older so they lie...Now i my lie but its nothing big mosly about orgasms...To me i look at it like this If you lie you have to keep lieing to cover the one that you told at first..I can barely keep up with myself let alone a bunch of lies... Originally Posted by exoticbabygirl
I hear ya! Hell I can't even remember what I had for dinner yesterday? Its much easier for us old guys to keep our lives straight by telling the truth! But there are perks to getting old! I can hide my own Easter Eggs! LOL Plus some of us OLD GUYS just don't give a shit! LOL
shorty's Avatar
SL. . . Is that London you're looking at! LOL
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Everybody will lie about something, most justify it in some way or another....

I try not to because it tends to weigh on me if I do and it's pretty hard for me to keep it up lol.
Still Looking's Avatar
SL. . . Is that London you're looking at! LOL Originally Posted by shorty

You know I can't remember? LOL
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Liar!!! lol