Sars_CoV2 In Retreat

adav8s28's Avatar
According to a former czar for Co_Vid19, the Sar_CoV2 virus is in retreat. It's not gone. It could come back. Annual vaccines are recommended for people over 65. At @Tiny It looks like you won't need the KN95 mask for a while. You're postings on CoVid have been among the best and should be acknowledged.
ICU 812's Avatar
I have been lied to, we all have, on several related subjects by these same people. They did it looing me in the face (well, on TV) and they did it reputedly for several years.

Masking, social distancing, whipeing down every surface, lockdowns etc we now know that none of that was based on science and the worst one of all wss the "vaccine" mandates.

Everyone close to me got the shots and 3/4 of them still got sick. I did. That is not a vaccine. I have been robustly immunized against polio, measles, mumps, whooping cough (peruses) and a host of others. Smallpox is no longer the genocidal killer of remote tribes around the world . . . .. Repeated doses, mere weeks apart, of that essentially untested Covid treatment cannot, by any stretch of the imagination be considered to be a vaccine.

That was the biggest lie.
winn dixie's Avatar
Proud to say I never got the jab. The media and fauxi can't sell their lies anymore, so this covidsars germ goes dormant. Snick
I have been lied to, we all have, on several related subjects by these same people. They did it looing me in the face (well, on TV) and they did it reputedly for several years.

Masking, social distancing, whipeing down every surface, lockdowns etc we now know that none of that was based on science and the worst one of all wss the "vaccine" mandates.

Everyone close to me got the shots and 3/4 of them still got sick. I did. That is not a vaccine. I have been robustly immunized against polio, measles, mumps, whooping cough (peruses) and a host of others. Smallpox is no longer the genocidal killer of remote tribes around the world . . . .. Repeated doses, mere weeks apart, of that essentially untested Covid treatment cannot, by any stretch of the imagination be considered to be a vaccine.

That was the biggest lie. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Yeah, It's a hard pill to swallow knowing this Pandemic was a fabricated scheme conjured up by all Governments of the world. One thing for certain no one can deny is people were getting sick. But how do we get sick from viral infections? Are Viruses airborne, on surfaces. Just how contagious are they and how effective are vaccines against them? Until these questions can be answered with Scientific proof nobody in the Government should be making any suggestions on our health.
To answer Levi's questions, all one has to do is read REAL science...polio, smallpox, HPV, HIV, Influenza, all well known, transmission mechanisms well documented, and effective vaccines developed against most (yeah, flu can be a crapshoot due to mutability). "Government" made "suggestions", encouraged vaccines against the mandatory have been highly successful in controlling the major threats. The anti-vaxers need to rethink their position in relation to historical successes against these plagues. Even rabies, which is the bitch of all viruses, can be treated if vaccination is initiated in time. REAL biological science at work, opposed to the pseudo science some want to "believe".
To answer Levi's questions, all one has to do is read REAL science...polio, smallpox, HPV, HIV, Influenza, all well known, transmission mechanisms well documented, and effective vaccines developed against most (yeah, flu can be a crapshoot due to mutability). "Government" made "suggestions", encouraged vaccines against the mandatory have been highly successful in controlling the major threats. The anti-vaxers need to rethink their position in relation to historical successes against these plagues. Even rabies, which is the bitch of all viruses, can be treated if vaccination is initiated in time. REAL biological science at work, opposed to the pseudo science some want to "believe". Originally Posted by reddog1951
Was it real Science or Pseudo Science in the development of the Covid Vaccine? Way too many reports of adversities.
I suspect some here read way too much pseudo...."science" and have little educational background to critically interpret what they read beyond headlines.
ICU 812's Avatar
I got "the shots" because I was in my 70s in 2020. They said I would die if I got sick..
A The real term is vaccine, not "shot", which evokes negative. A family friend didn't get the polio vaccine in early '60's when he was 30...almost died and wished he had. Your point?
  • Tiny
  • 07-06-2023, 03:27 PM
According to a former czar for Co_Vid19, the Sar_CoV2 virus is in retreat. It's not gone. It could come back. Annual vaccines are recommended for people over 65. At @Tiny It looks like you won't need the KN95 mask for a while. You're postings on CoVid have been among the best and should be acknowledged. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Let's hope it's mostly over adav8s28! Only 624 deaths according to the CDC for the most recent week for which they've gotten most of the data. That's the lowest since March 21, 2020.

Reddog's been our most informed poster on COVID. You and I haven't been bad for amateurs. And Ducbutter deserves credit for being onto the lab leak hypothesis before the scientific community.

If only some of the others had listened to us. They might still be here now. I won't mention names, but some I'll miss, and some I won't.

I'm not sure whether I'll give up the KN95. It's integral to my peacocking outfit to attract women.
I suspect some here read way too much pseudo...."science" and have little educational background to critically interpret what they read beyond headlines. Originally Posted by reddog1951
I suspect you're one of them.
Levi, if you'll bother to read my multiple prior posts on this subject, you'll find that your suspicion is incorrect. I'm not an MD, but have a solid background in REAL science including epidemiology.
Levi, if you'll bother to read my multiple prior posts on this subject, you'll find that your suspicion is incorrect. I'm not an MD, but have a solid background in REAL science including epidemiology. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Wow, we all should listen to you then. Have you ever isolated the Virus that causes Covid-19?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I didn’t give af about Covid in 2020 and still don’t. Our response to the flu was the most retarded government action in history, and that’s a high bar.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
A The real term is vaccine, not "shot", which evokes negative. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Vaccines stop you from getting and spreading diseases.