Fake age advertising

gr8ezrydr's Avatar
So we had quite a discussion on fake pictures what about advertising their age as younger than they are. I think that is just as wrong as fake pictures..
I cant speak for others but if I was going to fudge on age I would want to make myself older not younger.
35 may be 45-50
22 may be under 18
This ties into the age thing, I've seen some providers use the same pictures for more than five years.
Yacht Im actually guilty of using the older photos, Ive updated them once and went from crappy pics to professional ones. Ive been in contact with the photographer that did my last ones and am trying to get time set aside on my end as well as his to get new ones done. Its not easy to find a trustworthy photographer that isnt a creep, trying to get extras or want to keep extra copies of the pictures for himself. Im actually trying to get inside photos as well as some nice outdoor shots hopefully we will both get the details worked out so I can get my new pics very soon! I realize your comments might not be completly directed at me as Ive only been doing this for 4 years coming up in Oct wow has it been that long yup time for new pics lol.
tia travels's Avatar
When I first started and worked for an agency, the owner made me younger by a few years. I didn't appreciate that. I think I look good for my age and thus have no need to lie.
Age is only a number. even if the girl posting is 18 im sure shes been run through quite a bit. And it doesn't mean they're gonna be fit or perky either. I've seen a lot of round and saggy 18 -22 year olds. I've known 40 year olds with much better bodies then the young ones. Girls should just tell the truth and let their pics do the talking for them. Saying your young isn't gonna make a nottie a hottie.
gr8ezrydr's Avatar
I have meet some providers that advertise they are in their late 20s but when you meet and say you usually see ladies in their 30s they say well I am actually mid 30s, that is disappointing in the fact that if they lie to you about that can you trust them on other things like security and how they take care of themselves std wise.
kendra kayy's Avatar
The fact of the matter is no one actually knows ones true age unless identification is shown. Most ladies don't use their real name either. Is this considered lying and being deceiving as well? And guys are you always 100% honest about everything? I'm not saying that advertising a different age other than what one may be is a great idea but seriously is it really that big of a deal?? If a lady says she is 25 and she is actually 28 would you change your mind about seeing her??? Maybe its just me but I think this is just nit pickin.
If a lady says she is 25 and she is actually 28 would you change your mind about seeing her??? Originally Posted by kendra kayy
If she's naked then all my blood rushes to one muscle of my body and I can't add 2+2.
kendra kayy's Avatar
If she's naked then all my blood rushes to one muscle of my body and I can't add 2+2. Originally Posted by SR Only

Lmao I figure that would be the standard response!!!
If a guy is meeting women who say they're 24 when they look 45 and the guy is disappointed.....then leave and don't give her a dime of money for her time.

If a guy isn't doing his homework, then that's on you and no one else.

People stretch the truth to a point in advertising no matter what your market clientle is. But, in this business its based solely on service, attitude and looks.

Fibbing about ones age doesn't tie into the STD factor, but I could see it tying into the security factor. If you feel like you're being lied to about her age and you don't trust her, don't see her.

I don't know what the big deal is about fibbing about ones age as long as its reasonable (within a few yrs). You guys will accept fake pictures, but not a fake age? Also I know a lot of guys who refuse to give any info when booking a session, including their name, number and references. There's a few that are members of this board too. LOL Hypocrites.

Oh yeah....I'm back from vacation!!!
kendra kayy's Avatar
MsElena, you are 100% correct! Good to see you are back.. how was the vaca??
Vacation was great, love the outdoors and the fresh clean air. I feel like a new woman.

Thanks for asking.
I can't tell you how often I'd like to feel a new woman........

Oh, sorry, I read your comment too quickly, Ms Elena. My bad.