My Outing

As most of you have read, a provider from Kansas City decided to out my information to a now former MOD from KC, one other guy that I know of for sure and god knows how many other people. Why? Who knows. I do have some history with her, but its not deserving of being outed.

I have taken some time off to get my "lives" in order, move and school has started up for me again.

I have upset a couple guys from the board who thought that their lives were more important than mine when my outing had come to light. I won't apologize and I shouldn't have to. I understand that your life is important to you, but quit being so fucking selfish to think that your life is more important to me than my own life. I appreciate you as clients, but when it comes to my outing, your problems were/are going to come in a distance 5th. had posted a few weeks back that I should come clean with everyone about what I do. Your response was well.....heartless and lacked compassion. Thanks for confirming in that post that you're a cogida estúpida who isn't able to show compassion for when someone is in potential danger. All you did was pretty much kick a dog when it was down.

You don't seem to have a handle on reality when it comes to this lifestyle. Its not always has simple as you would like to believe or lead some of us to believe. Not everyone is as open minded and not everyone is as accepting of this lifestyle as some of us are.

So your friends know that you pay chicks to fuck you, that's great. But, I highly doubt that all your friends know, your co-workers and your family knows. Its much easier for a guy to admit to paying chicks to fuck them, hell you'd probably get a few high 5's from your male friends, but I highly doubt that your female family members would look upon you with high morals. Its not that easy for a woman to come out and say, "Hey, I'm a hooker." There's a huge stigma attached to women who are, hell you see it in the news and I hear from friends when the latest celeb gets busted with a hooker. Hell, there's a huge stigma attached to this lifestyle period. Look at what happened to certain politicans, look at the city councilman/fireman over in Council Bluffs who went to a hotel just to get a sensual massage a while back. Yeah, real accepting huh?

As of this week, I'm back to working.

I also want to thank all of you who PMed me, emailed me and for those who took it an extra step (brownie points) by calling me, there aren't enough thank you's for me to give you. I appreciate the support that most of you have given me and offered me.

Again, thank you so very much.

We haven't met...yet, but I hope things get back to normal for you real soon!
Nice to have you back posting Elena, it just wasn't the same around here.
Thanks for your story and I do hope you get things back on a path that keeps you smiling.
Wow.. i totally missed this whole drama... probably a good thing Im guessing. I dont know whats going on.. But Elena I wish you the best of luck in everything you do and i hope everything works out for you .
okkkkaaayyy just read some of what was going on.. sorry that happened to you. Ive had a somewhat similar experience but different circumstances where I was "outed" and I didnt have a say in it. Everybody should have the power to make that decision for themselves and nobody has the right to do that to ANYBODY!!
Omahan's Avatar
I have upset a couple guys from the board who thought that their lives were more important than mine when my outing had come to light. I won't apologize and I shouldn't have to. Originally Posted by MsElena
That is absolutely right. Everyone of us has a responsibility to ourselves. No one else can make those decisions for us nor should they.
snowbeard's Avatar
For me, this entire event reinforces the importance of discretion at all times. This is one of the reasons it is difficult for me to hobby too close to home.

Glad to see you back Elena. I have been thinking about you and will continue to do so and you "get your lives together."
I'm the stupid fuck because you want to be a whore and are pissed off when people find out what you do for a living? if you're that ashamed about sucking cock to pay your bills then get a real job. No one said you have to take the easy way out of earning a living by spreading your legs. You know damn well what people think about this line of work so don't cry when people find out. I don't think its wrong so I don't give a damn who knows. If you do then get a real job and quit your bitching.
Wow. Really? Elena starts this thread 2 weeks ago and the best you can come up with is calling her a whore? She might be right about your mental capacity.

This business has hazards stemming from it's legal status as well as it's social status. EVERYONE has issues and secrets in every aspect of their lives. Just because we don't agree with their opinion or concern doesn't mean we can't offer compassion.

When an aquaintance is involved in a car crash, we don't respond with "well that's what you get for driving a car, you stupid fuck". The only appropriate response shows sympathy.

One day you want attractive, sexy women to offer their services to you for a reasonable price. The next day you call them whores and suggest that what they do has no value. You're a hypocrite.
12blue4u's Avatar
wow ss you are freakin jerk with your self righteousness. i can see why you have to pay for it, who would want to be around such a mean person.
Holy White Knights Batman!!! She's the one who started with the name calling fellas. Driver are you seriously trying to compare a car crash to someone hooking? How about this analogy, are you gonna feel sorry for. If you're doing something wrong and you know it's wrong don't cry if people find out. You made the decision to do it so take the heat that comes with it. If you're not willing to do that then don't do it! And Blue I get plenty for free too and I'm actually one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet as long as you don't throw yourself into the situation you're in trouble for. I used to steal when I was younger and I got popped once. Did I go crying to people because I had to pay a grand in fines? No! Did I feel ashamed that people found out? No! If they asked me why I did it, I told them; because I wanted it!

#15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.
I'm the stupid fuck because you want to be a whore and are pissed off when people find out what you do for a living? if you're that ashamed about sucking cock to pay your bills then get a real job. No one said you have to take the easy way out of earning a living by spreading your legs. You know damn well what people think about this line of work so don't cry when people find out. I don't think its wrong so I don't give a damn who knows. If you do then get a real job and quit your bitching. Originally Posted by supersinister

I'm the stupid fuck because you want to be a whore and are pissed off when people find out what you do for a living? if you're that ashamed about sucking cock to pay your bills then get a real job. No one said you have to take the easy way out of earning a living by spreading your legs. You know damn well what people think about this line of work so don't cry when people find out. I don't think its wrong so I don't give a damn who knows. If you do then get a real job and quit your bitching. Originally Posted by supersinister
I'm not pissed that people found out what I do for a living, I was worried and afraid for my safety because some chick choose to be vindictive and out my real life info to people who had no reason to know it.

You're right, I'm a whore....escort, courtesan, hooker, etc., its just a matter of semantics. But, its paid for my schooling among other things. At least I get paid for having orgasms, hell it doesn't get better than that.

You obviously missed the boat when it comes to having compassion for someone in a bad situation. But, that's on you and not me. Hope you're a happy person for it.

Holy White Knights Batman!!! She's the one who started with the name calling fellas. Driver are you seriously trying to compare a car crash to someone hooking? How about this analogy, are you gonna feel sorry for someone who gets busted snorting coke? Is that what ya get for having a nose? If you're doing something wrong and you know it's wrong don't cry if people find out. You made the decision to do it so take the heat that comes with it. If you're not willing to do that then don't do it! And Blue I get plenty for free too and I'm actually one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet as long as you don't throw yourself into the situation you're in trouble for. I used to steal when I was younger and I got popped once. Did I go crying to people because I had to pay a grand in fines? No! Did I feel ashamed that people found out? No! If they asked me why I did it, I told them; because I wanted it! Originally Posted by supersinister
No one is white knighting me. They're not sticking up for me, they're just giving you their opinions of you and your posts. I'm sure you're a GREAT guy, but yours or anyone else's online persona is an extention of their true self.

And yes, I did call you a stupid fuck in Spanish (bet you had to google that huh? LOL) because you kept missing the point of my original post. You just don't get it and I highly doubt you will, no matter how much of a nice guy you say you are.
12blue4u's Avatar
ss your continued misogynistic vitriolic diatribe against Ms. Elena only serves to reinforce that you are not a nice guy.

I am sure Mr. Burns thinks hes a nice guy too.