Logging on w/ a Verizon phone

I started logging on to Eccie with my Verizon phone and keep getting logged out on multiple occasions. Sometimes I will log on and get the "Thank you for logging on pilot4u2.0" only to have it come back to a log on screen. Other times I get on but get logged off when I am switching from one screen to the next.

This is happening all the time. Any suggestions?
stiffwood7's Avatar
Must b your phone. Sounds like a iphone...no issues with android..knock on wood
longnose098's Avatar
You have to remember eccie may not be compatible for mobile versions YET. So it could be a chance that it's just the site. Or you have some options that aren't enabled on your phone.
Stiffwood - I have an android phone.

Longnose - That is what I thought but could not determine what settings it might be. I also tried logging onto m.eccie.net but it would not even let me log onto that site.
I log on with my verizon android phone and tablet and rarely have issues so I would think it is more of a phone issue than website issue. Sometimes when my wireless is acting up and it kicks between WiFi and 4g that will sometimes log me out.
Click Remember Me when logging in and let the browser set the cookie for easy return visits.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-20-2014, 10:14 PM
I have been accessing this site using Android phones on the Verizon network for years without issues.

Is your browser set to accept cookies? Have you tried using the mobile version of the site at m.eccie.net?
Thanks guys. I will try these suggestions tomorrow.
I clicked the "Remember Me" box yesterday and had no issues.