😢 Having issues

So people's i know I've said this before but I was always told to stick around. This time I think I am gonna just have to pick up my big girl panties and get it started.

I'm just not able to juggle this life with my new editions. And my new editions are my everything in life so it comes down to what's more important. This job is to stressful and the hit and miss and cancellations and not always coming out on top and my time away is just toooo much.

I'm supposed to start working hopefully this March, and trying to go back to schoo I'm gonna try to still work until at least Easter is over so April. Just to get the holidays over I've been having hard times finding somebody I trust to help me with new editions let's just say so appointments are hard for me to make as some of you may know.

Honestly I'd like to keep at least two regulars in Cedar Rapids that I could see with working but I don't even know if that's going to be possible as everybody's schedules seem to clash with mine.

Hopefully I'll be able to come back in a year or so and make an appearance but I don't know how that will work once I've gotten into my new routine.

I'll still be keeping my Snapchat and my Twitter and doing and selling personal videos and everybody can obviously still ask and get references from me but I really think I'm pretty much done for now.

This world was fun while it lasted. I don't know whether to disable my account or have it deleted all together when the time comes I haven't figured that part out yet but I just wanted to let you all know.

In Mean Time sorry to anyone that's been trying to see me and can't get their schedule to fit mine or that I don't answer

Y'all are awesome until the time comes I'm still going to Party Like a Rockstar LOL

Again I do want to apologize for anybody that my schedule isn't meeting I do feel horrible about it I really just can't help it with the way my life is set up right now
crazyassfireman98's Avatar
BUMMER!! I do understand, family comes first!! Good luck!!
NO SAY IT ISN'T TRUE lol good luck to your future the hobbyist will be missing a beautiful great provider
Best wishes to a beautiful and happy future!
There's a few I'll still be keeping around but after Easter I'm just going to disable my account maybe in a while I'll come back once people aren't so little. Basically I'm not going to be seeing anybody new and if you don't have my phone number and I haven't seen you before I won't be seeing you I won't be traveling anymore and if you can't fit my work schedule then I just won't be able to see you. I'm just really enjoying my new life right now and I want to spend as much time with them as possible
Thank you everybody for the kind words
finman56's Avatar
Good luck, family ALWAYS comes first
taurus75's Avatar
Good Luck Shayla..You are an amazing provider!