tap water no problemo ?

VitaMan's Avatar
If you filter tap water at home using devices such as a Brita water pitcher, is it just as safe
as bottled water ?

Members come up with many scholarly articles on other subjects. Hope to see some here.
... Hmmmm... Reckon it would maybe depend on where you live, mate.

Certain areas of America might have "better" water than others.
I mostly drink bottled water.

#### Salty
oilfieldace's Avatar
Am not a tree hugger, but way to much plastic . I drink it straight out of the tap. I have drank from creeks tanks, ponds . It would be interesting to know just how much filtering they do with bottled water. Chuck Norris owns a ranch near Navasota, Texas that has a number of Artesian wells. He markets it claims to be straight from the well. C-Force. I don’t know if you have ever taster Artesian water but it has a distinct taste and is crystal clear when it leaves the ground