MK Ultra: CIA Admits Behavioral Engineering On Humans

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, I know. The CIA isn't like that anymore. And if they are, it is to "protect" us and our children from evil people. If the people "protecting" us are evil, who are they protecting us from?

This may be old information, but many people have yet to hear about project MK Ultra. It was the name for a previously classified research program through the CIA’s scientific intelligence division. It was the CIA’s program of research in behavioral modification on human beings that’s now declassified. The United States government even issued a national apology for the program while Bill Clinton was in office. We often hear stories about mind control and human experimentation without really considering the reality behind the phenomenon. Is it really that hard to believe? Scientific experimentation is not only limited to animals. It can be hard to fathom that there are organisations on the planet that would actually subject human beings to experimentation, torture and more in order to manipulate people’s individual mental states as well as alter brain functions. If you step outside of yourself and look at the planet from an external perspective, we have an energy industry that thrives off of oil and suppression of clean, zero point energy. We have a health industry that thrives off of genetically engineering our food. Big pharmaceutical companies and the suppression of cures. And we have a small group of multinational corporations that own the media and all industries mentioned above. What is even more revealing is that all of the money that goes into the department of defense and intelligence agencies is connected to all other industries that govern our planet. It is evidently clear that the ones we give our power over to so easily do not have our best interests at hand, and are searching for information and methods in order to control and manipulate the population. In my opinion, TV, mass media and other forms of ‘pop culture’ are branches of the MK Ultra program.

The reappearance of reports of the abuses of the drug testing program and reports of other previously unknown drug programs and projects for behavioral control underline the necessity for effective oversight procedures both in the executive branch and in the congress (Source)

Most programs within the military industrial complex have zero oversight by congress. Although the program began in the 1950′s, it was not until the late 1970′s when The Freedom of Information Act uncovered thousands of documents that shed light on MK ultra. I don’t think it’s logical to assume that human experimentation has stopped, I wonder what is happening in those deep underground military bases, don’t you? The ones who control the government, and thus the intelligence agencies as well as the military do not really care for human beings. Human experimentation and genetic experiments continue to this day, in deep underground military bases.

The medical trials at Nuremberg in 1947 revealed experimentation with human subjects unknowingly is morally and legally unacceptable. Nuremberg was used to persuade the population that human experimentation was over, but it still goes on today. Bill Clinton’s apology to the nation was also used for the same purpose, to make the population think that human experimentation is a thing of the past. You can view his apology in the list of sources at the bottom of the article. The United States Military Tribunal established the Nuremberg Code, it was a standard to judge German scientists who experimented with human subjects. It’s funny how the United States NASA program was created by German Scientists.

There is also project paperclip, this was a program developed by the United States in order to recruit German scientists to work in the United States after World War II. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were heavily involved with MK Ultra. It isn’t hard to link these projects with the depopulation of the North American Natives.

What were MK Ultra Test Subjects Put Through?

MK Ultra test subjects were put through sleep deprivation, they were made to eat their own feces and drink their own urine. A child was put in a box, another outside of it, and the one outside of it was told the other was going to jump out and kill them. One child was given a sword and forced to kill the other. Drug testing and more were also involved. Based on all my research, today, I think the Mk Ultra program was expanded into military abductions, which some mistakenly take for alien abductions. . . .

The agencies we give our power over to were responsible for MK Ultra, this is now publicly made information. We continue to let these same agencies govern us, and assume that all reality that is known is presented to us on our television. MK Ultra is an old program, scientific experimentation on human beings continue to this day and we are the test subjects. This can be a lot to take in, but it is necessary to expose the truth about the ones we let govern our planet. The same ones govern all other industries on our planet, yet we continue to participate and even promote them proudly. TV, mass media, and education are extensions of this program. Why wouldn't they be? They are all funded by the same people that funded MK Ultra! If you want to dive in further, I suggest you give this interview a listen. Our world is subject to many different experiences for many different people. It can be hard to take in “dark” realities of this human experience, but it’s important to shed light on them so we can transform and change it. We are living in the age of transparency, change, love and light.

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Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't y'all just love it when Whiny gets lubed up late and night and then starts Googling "I hate America?"


Whiny, you're truly one of the "Men Who Stare at Bus Riders""
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Are you saying MK Ultra didn't happen, Assup? Or are you saying you approve of what they did? Just asking.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Im saying you're an asshole! You post more worthless bullshit than anybody else on this board, Whiny!

I especially like how you get all righteous about it and shit!


you'll end up in the corner again!
endurance's Avatar
The line between right and wrong isn't just low on the list of priorities, I think it's hardly even considered by leaders anymore. And the capacity for the average citizen to look the other way appears to be infinite - apathy runs rampant while criminals brazenly do whatever they want at all levels of government.

The agencies we give our power over to were responsible for MK Ultra, this is now publicly made information. We continue to let these same agencies govern us, and assume that all reality that is known is presented to us on our television.
For more, click here: Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
JCM800's Avatar
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
true..... unless that guy can't find the remote
Are you saying MK Ultra didn't happen, Assup? Or are you saying you approve of what they did? Just asking. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What he's really saying is you make this shit up, cause you hate America and what you post just scares the shit out of him.
joe bloe's Avatar
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
“Americans used to roar like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security.”

Norman Vincent Peale

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The American people have been subjected to less overt mind control for almost a hundred years and the rest of the world a shorter amount of time. Edward Bernays, who like to call himself the father of spin, started as a very young man working people minds. His uncle, Sigmund Freud, gave him a foundation in understanding people's thinking and he extended it by figuring how to condition people to follow a certain course of action. He gave us "bacon and eggs" for breakfast, women voting, women smoking, and was the foundation for Goebbels in Germany. He died at 103 years old and helped define the 20th century but is unknown to the general population.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy