The corrupt DNC media say there's no evidence President Biden was involved in his son's business, but there is.

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Michael Shellenberger's latest

The media say there's no evidence President Biden was involved in his son's business, but there is. And now, a new whistleblower has come forward revealing that, at the heart of Biden family influence peddling was an effort by China to control U.S. oil and gas resources.

Chinese Control Over U.S. Oil And Gas At Heart Of Biden Family Influence Peddling, New Whistleblower Reveals

New testimony by a former business partner to Hunter Biden confirms that investors in China, Mexico, And Kazakhstan were buying political influence with President Joe Biden

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The Senile Biden Crime Family are the most corrupt family in US political history. Period
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Testimony: Senile Biden told Russians be good to my boy (Hunter).
Lol. I'm beginning to think that American conservatives don't even understand the concept of "evidence". We keep hearing them use the word, but they continue to demonstrate over and over again that they don't understand what it means.