Ladies should only see tricks that are circumcised....

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Because we guys love to tell y'all women how your body works & about your level of hygiene fucking guys need a reminder too.

But before I get into ALL THE VALID reasons I'd like to thank my mother & sack of shit sperm donor who couldn't even pay child support for getting me snipped off the bat.

Easier hygiene. Circumcision makes it simpler to wash the penis. However, a shit ton of.grown ass men with uncircumcised penises have to be taught to wash regularly beneath the foreskin.

Decreased risk of urinary tract infections. The risk of urinary tract infections in males is low, but these infections are more common in uncircumcised males. Severe infections early in life can lead to kidney problems later. But go ahead & have the dick burns when you piss if you want to.

Decreased risk of sexually transmitted infections. Circumcised men might have a lower risk of certain sexually transmitted infections. Still, safe sexual practices remain essential. Fucking nawtybass tricks walking around with (insert).

Prevention of penile problems. Occasionally, the foreskin on an uncircumcised penis can be difficult or impossible to retract (phimosis). This can lead to inflammation of the foreskin or head of the penis. Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahaha....... You get what you deserve!

Decreased risk of penile cancer. Although cancer of the penis is rare, it's less common in circumcised men. In addition, cervical cancer is less common in the female sexual partners of circumcised men.

In conclusion; many of you ladies should give strong consideration to adding a no uncut dicks to your signature lines.... in addition to all that other stuff.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Wow. you know alot about penis anatomy and biologics....
MILF_77584's Avatar
You are 100% correct about everything you said. I like this!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Wow. you know alot about penis anatomy and biologics.... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Of course. I have one.

Unlike people who act like they have PhD in vaginas & don't have one
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
In conclusion; many of you ladies should give strong consideration to adding a no uncut dicks to your signature lines.... Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
You are 100% correct about everything you said. I like this! Originally Posted by MILF_77584
Nothing wrong with preferences as long as the lady is upfront about it.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-07-2020, 05:41 AM
TryWeakly's Avatar