Humpty for modtard!!

winn dixie's Avatar
I would like to nominate Humpty for modtard! He has excellent computer skills and has a since of humor! He would be fair handing out infractions and all the discussion threads would be interesting to say the least!
As long as he doesn't make a mockery of his job and keeps this place classy, I say yes.
winn dixie's Avatar
I would think he would start a campaign to expand the "kitty litter" sub forums...... lol
winn dixie's Avatar
Who else but Humpty !!!!

This ad is sponsored by the members for Humpty campaign !!!!
Bill Duwall's Avatar
There's a lot that needs to be changed. Like the rules against forbidden subjects. What a crock of shit. I believe we should also be allowed to post real names and mugshots.

Also I tried to upload a cat avatar but my browser crashes when I do.

Thank you for the support!!!!
Treetop78759's Avatar
I think replacing the current mods with Humpty is a great idea and this is why.

Every single time I log onto Eccie I have to worry about another scolding PM from the mods. Especially Ztonk. Constantly giving me warnings and issuing me points. Bla bla bla.

In another thread a hooker posted a huge photo of her ass. Let me make one thing clear. I didn't say it's a photo of her huge ass because that would be rude. Instead, I wanted to make a suggestion that she should invest in a case of Clearasil because her ass is covered with pimples. The current mods wouldn't allow me to make that strong suggestion.

Members are often very rude when they respond to something I wrote. I would love to be able to say why don't you ask your mom or that's not what your sister said to me last night when she was sucking my dick. Nope. Can't say that either.

I'm really beyond sick and tired at how them type people are described. Not the danger and unpredictable part but the African part. Calling them type people Africans is despicable. I think them type should be referred to exactly the way them type people are described in that college fund. That would give them the respect they deserve but that's not acceptable either.

The list is endless. Humpty would not sensor me because he does not feel threatened by me because I'm in the inner circle with the senior management team.
Precious_b's Avatar
Who else but Humpty !!!!

This ad is sponsored by the members for Humpty campaign !!!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Cock Swallow Day? He does have experience, as tiny as it might be
winn dixie's Avatar
How would Humpty deal with the old, fat and ugly companions ? Would he start a medicare of sorts for these desperate gals who cannot find dates?? Maybe he will shed some light on this subject?