Nintendo Marketing Rep Fired For Escorting

Doc Holliday's Avatar
A marketing lead at Nintendo of America, Alison Rapp, gained notoriety at last year's E3 convention. Then, she made controversial statements arguing the legalization of child pornography in a thesis and over Twitter, which prompted an Internet mob to start harassing her. Fast forward to today and Nintendo terminates her employment after discovering she and her husband are escorts.

I don't know if this will make national news, but it is all I see in the gaming circles today. Should Nintendo have fired her? Can escorting become mainstream enough to be accepted as a second job?

On Termination:

On Escorting:

On her Lolicon statements:
pyramider's Avatar
Alison better be a good escort because she is a dumbass.
I was looking for a thread like this, the "proof" that she was an escort isn't concrete but I was wondering if she really was escorting? Also I'd like to read some reviews of her if there are any.
Doc Holliday's Avatar
Well, like one of the articles said, if Alision Rapp is not Maria Mint, then they both got the same tattoos in the same places and Alison sold her camera to Maria or Alison took her photos, and her 'anonymous moonlighting' job "conflicting with Nintendo's culture" was just a pure coincidence. I don't believe anyone should be harassed, but her vocal pedophilia opinions and softcore modeling photos (taken with the same camera as Maria) should not have been posted to a social media account connected to a video game company focused on children's games.

The whole thing bums me out. On one hand, a middle class woman with a great job also escorts and makes it positive. On the other, I can't support pedophilia (even lolicon) and her careless social media practices were damaging for a person in marketing of an A List company like Nintendo.

If you dig into it, I find it more fascinating how she tricked out her husband into gay escorting and the evolution of his own personal grasping of his sexuality being challenged, all of which are documented via social media.

What a time to be alive!
Hobgoblin's Avatar
She was a social justice warrior first and foremost. The kind that support things like black lives matter and complain because Mario rescues the princess, because somehow that's offensive to women. The pedo thing was a misstep that was used to take her down.