Moving to Cedar Rapids.

Dochook29's Avatar
Long time lurker looking to increase my play time and stop sitting on the bench. But, first things first. Accepted a new job/ deal, that will take me to CR and then my options expand.
Don't know anyone there so was looking for advice on single living there. Mostly looking for suggestions on a great place for a life time bachelor to live. Not interested in a house, but otherwise keeping my option open. Looks like rent is lower than Des Moines so price really doesn't concern me. Just want cool location, great view, or secure building/ area. Any info is appreciated.
livn2do's Avatar
First off, sorry. Get used to the smell of dog food and Captain Crunch.

Shayla lives in C.R. She could probably give you some advice, among other things.
Livin as usual great advice. I lived there for 10 years. Loved the cap n crunch hated the dump part of city of five smells. Shayla is totally cool person, she will give you the straight shit.
I like the north side. Northwest, Edgewood Dr. And Collins Rd., Blairs Ferry Rd., and Boyson Rd. Or go north east to Marion. From there you can jump on Edgewood, 380 South or Hwy. 13, and get anywhere in town in 10 minutes. Plus, most of the smells are being produced south of you, so with weather usually coming from the NW, blowing SE, it's going away from you. If you like rural, there are several small towns (suburbs) close by.
I am in Des Moines now, but lived in Iowa City and worked in CR. Always got lucky with college girls there, but there can be periods of hot and cold.
I would stay away from the SE side. Its GHETTO (lol) But in ever side there are nice places and as long as you dont associate with bad people shit should be good... I dont really go out to much because I am a home body, Theres not much to do there really. If I do go out I go bowling and drink a few, I like the mall if people can hold there shit together there (fighting lil shits) they have added on to it and its getting very nice. I like going to the gay bar on 1st ave because theres always shows going on, thats fun. Other then that babe I stay home, I know alot of people go to iowa city on weekends, and all.

As for personal fun I am around and I love to drain a friend to the point he just wants to go home eat and go to bed lol jk but for real I am gonna mostly stop providing to new people and only see people I have seen before no matter the refs or not. And they will only be hour and up appts and pricing will go up a little due to iowas not just a money maker here for me and I spend to much money to provide here and dont make what I wind up spending.
I also have a girl lilred that will be around and she takes hhr appts but I do all her screening but shes nice and kinky lol so were around if thats of interest to you at all.
DallasRain's Avatar
Welcome to CR...yep I have gotten used to the smells already
You cant go wrong with Shayla....
Good luck n have fun
Aweeee, thank you baby
Dochook29's Avatar
Thank you everyone for your suggestions and help. Look forward to getting settled and making some new friends.
DallasRain's Avatar
And be sure and post about your fun...we love reading the dirty details!!