Damm Hitch Hikers!

Hitch Hikers
DallasRain's Avatar
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Nice vid.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Here's another film that has been known to racing enthusiasts for years but just recently made widely available. Racing through Paris.
Thats cool as hell . first thing that came to my mind on film to relate it too was the car chases in the movie Ronin . I have never owned a prancing horse yet But i bet that that son of a bitch driving was having one hell of a rush!! Now you have me Joansing for my rush !!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
As a race car driver and a professional pilot myself I understand what you speak of sir.
Call sign ever heard of - gamma indigo alpha November tango. I might know a few aviators my self. I remember the conversation about the S 21-mooney .you knew more about it than i did and it was in the family almost 30 years.
Call sign ever heard of - gamma indigo alpha November tango. I might know a few aviators my self. I remember the conversation about the S 21-mooney .you knew more about it than i did and it was in the family almost 30 years. I am also known as sosogrammerguy as you could tell by my phonetic