Wisconsin supreme Court redraws districting maps

eyecu2's Avatar
Wisconsin Supreme Court Orders New Legislative Maps in Redistricting Case Brought by Democrats.

Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned Republican-drawn legislative maps on Friday and ordered that new district boundary lines be drawn as Democrats had urged in a redistricting case they hope will weaken GOP majorities.

The ruling comes less than a year before the 2024 election in a battleground state where four of the six past presidential elections have been decided by fewer than 23,000 votes, and Republicans have built large majorities in the Legislature under maps they drew over a decade ago.

Hmmm. Seems the Jig is up for cheating GOP membership who have been in lying in wait to seize power illegally.

Fucking GOP....
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
NY was also ordered to redraw their congressional map which could move 5 or 6 House seats from red to blue.
ICU 812's Avatar
For quite a while I have thought that the entire nation could be redistricted by lumping together zip codes. Sure, state legislatures would still try to skew the demographics one way or another, but the districts would, by and large, be equal in population and without the really ridiculous salamander or snake like geogrsphic distortions.
  • Tiny
  • 12-24-2023, 06:39 PM
Wisconsin Supreme Court Orders New Legislative Maps in Redistricting Case Brought by Democrats.

Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned Republican-drawn legislative maps on Friday and ordered that new district boundary lines be drawn as Democrats had urged in a redistricting case they hope will weaken GOP majorities.

The ruling comes less than a year before the 2024 election in a battleground state where four of the six past presidential elections have been decided by fewer than 23,000 votes, and Republicans have built large majorities in the Legislature under maps they drew over a decade ago.

Hmmm. Seems the Jig is up for cheating GOP membership who have been in lying in wait to seize power illegally.

Fucking GOP.... Originally Posted by eyecu2
Perhaps you'd like to give examples of how the GOP membership has successfully cheated? Trump's attempt to steal an election doesn't count because it wasn't successful and didn't change vote counts.

What's going on in Wisconsin is partisan jockeying. You're just hearing one side.

From a WSJ editorial,

Fresh off the 4-3 Colorado Supreme Court’s banishment of Donald Trump from the ballot, a 4-3 majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Friday overturned precedent and tossed the state’s legislative maps.

The decision invalidates district maps for all state representatives and senators. The court ordered lawmakers to draft new maps in time for the primaries in August 2024, a project they will have to complete by the spring. If the Republican Legislature and Democratic Gov. Tony Evers can’t find a compromise, the court will do it for them.

Message to the GOP Legislature: Better concede to Gov. Evers’s wishes, or the court (controlled by Democrats) will rewrite the maps as the four judges desire.

“The matter of legislative redistricting was thoroughly litigated and resolved after the 2020 census,” Justice Brian Hagedorn writes in dissent. The court adopted new maps and ordered their use until the political branches drew new ones, a practice commonly done following a census.

Justice Rebecca Bradley was more scathing in her dissent: “With its first opinion as an openly progressive faction, the members of the majority shed their robes, usurp the prerogatives of the legislature, and deliver the spoils to their preferred political party. These handmaidens of the Democratic Party trample the rule of law, dishonor the institution of the judiciary, and undermine democracy.”

The ruling means that a single judicial election result has become a license for the narrowest court majority to overrule the court’s own recent precedent and the will of the voters in years of legislative elections.

Redrawing districts in shapes like cock and balls is not the will of the voters.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Gerrymandered maps have kept the GOP in power in so many states, it’s refreshing to see that the will of the voters will actually count in some states again.

Live by the gavel, die by the gavel. In the end, the people will have the final say.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Gerrymandered maps have kept the GOP in power in so many states, it’s refreshing to see that the will of the voters will actually count in some states again.

Live by the gavel, die by the gavel. In the end, the people will have the final say. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so

  • Tiny
  • 12-25-2023, 08:01 AM
Gerrymandered maps have kept the GOP in power in so many states, it’s refreshing to see that the will of the voters will actually count in some states again.

Live by the gavel, die by the gavel. In the end, the people will have the final say. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, it looks more like we're returning to the historical norm from 1946 to 1992, where the will of Democratic voters counts more, and in the end the Democratic politicians have the final say.

This is from the Brookings Institution, the premier think tank representing Democratic Party views,


Please look at the last column, the difference between "Democratic percentage of seats and votes won in the House of Representatives.

The table goes through 2018. In 2020 and 2022, the difference between Democratic percentage of seats and votes won was 0.7% and 1.2% respectively,

From 1946 to 1994, Democrats got more than their fair share of House seats in 23 of 25 elections. The average difference between seats won and votes won was a whopping 5.9%.

From 1996 to 2010, the Democrats advantage was more reasonable 1.4%, on average. Actually neither major party had much of an advantage over the other during this period when you take into account ballots that weren't cast for either Democrats or Republicans.

The 2010 census, and the subsequent redistricting, was a turning point for Republicans. They controlled redistricting in 27 states compared to 15 for Democrats, and more importantly took better advantage of new software and statistical data. As a result, from 2012 to 2016, on average the difference between Democratic seats and votes was -2.4%. Please note that Republicans actually had more popular votes in the House than Democrats in 2014 and 2016.

Since 2018 neither party has had an advantage. While it might appear gerrymandering, etc., has slightly favored Democrats based on the House numbers, when you take into account votes that went to Libertarians and others, the two major parties have been receiving more or less their fair shares of House seats, based on their popular vote.

But indeed as you pointed out in your other thread, it's likely that's about to change, as a result of unfair Democratic Party gerrymandering in New York. Hopefully (IMHO) we don't go back to something like 1946 to 1994, when the system was way out of whack, in favor of Democrats.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you contending that the GOP earned the majority without gerrymandering?

Seems like the SCOTUS had to straighten out the map here in Texas after the GOP redrew it in 2000 and again in 2010.

You know, if you’d simply look at the number of votes cast for each party, you’d have a better idea of “the will of the voters.”
Yssup Rider's Avatar
if you say so

bahahahahaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
75% chance of seeing this response when I click “view post.”

I don’t have to click it again for a while.
  • Tiny
  • 12-25-2023, 08:11 AM
Are you contending that the GOP earned the majority without gerrymandering? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's not what I wrote. Of course Republicans and Democrats gerrymander.

Are you contending that it's OK if Democrats gerrymander but it's not if Republicans do it?

Clearly Democrats have gotten more than their fair share of House seats since World War II, and gerrymandering would have to be the primary suspect.
  • Tiny
  • 12-25-2023, 08:19 AM
You know, if you’d simply look at the number of votes cast for each party, you’d have a better idea of “the will of the voters.” Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Replying to your edit. THAT'S WHAT I DID. AND YOU'RE NOT. Look at the Brookings table. The last column, "Difference between Democratic percentage of seats and votes won."

I imagine you're right, that the Republicans took advantage in Texas. There are 50 states and Democrats have done the same elsewhere. Look at Maryland.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Replying to your edit. THAT'S WHAT I DID. AND YOU'RE NOT. Look at the Brookings table. The last column, "Difference between Democratic percentage of seats and votes won."

I imagine you're right, that the Republicans took advantage in Texas. There are 50 states and Democrats have done the same elsewhere. Look at Maryland. Originally Posted by Tiny
Texas and Maryland. There are 50 states and that’s two.
Precious_b's Avatar
75% chance of seeing this response when I click “view post.”

I don’t have to click it again for a while. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
wasn't there a judge who said she would vote to change the district lines during an election campaign? doesn't she need to be impeached? I know the republicans were talking about it if she didn't recuse herself.