Shooting in Newtown, CT

I've said this before. . . But It is just so hard to believe we live in a world with such evil amongst us. I may sound like a Miss America Pageant Contestant. . . But I really do want WORLD PEACE. Something I know I shall never see. There is so much hate in this world it makes me sick. Not only the tragedy today, but in our own personal lives. I don't wish the worst for my foes or enemies. I just pray they see the light that has been shined upon me recently and learn to LOVE EVERYONE. I really DO hope on 12/21/2012 there is some sort of ENLIGHTENMENT coming.. This world NEEDS it.
People are going crazy..Who would kill kids..God bless the familys.
I've said this before. . . But It is just so hard to believe we live in a world with such evil amongst us. I may sound like a Miss America Pageant Contestant. . . But I really do want WORLD PEACE. Something I know I shall never see. There is so much hate in this world it makes me sick. Not only the tragedy today, but in our own personal lives. I don't wish the worst for my foes or enemies. I just pray they see the light that has been shined upon me recently and learn to LOVE EVERYONE. I really DO hope on 12/21/2012 there is some sort of ENLIGHTENMENT coming.. This world NEEDS it. Originally Posted by Annalise Giselle

Well said Annalise, what little is being told they are saying it was the son of a teacher at that school, didn't even go there but decided he wanted to kill innocent children on the way out of his own miserable life! Coward!

I hope you are right about 12-21-12 but I fear the only thing that would unite us is to witness the impending doom of mankind.....then it is kind of a moot point.
My belief is that the people who wrote the constitution would be rolling over in their graves if they knew what protection they gave gun buyers and owners in todays age.....In that time they where wanting people to own guns to protect against foreign invaders....and people hunted more.

Something needs to be done

I know this is a can of worms!
People are going crazy..Who would kill kids..God bless the familys. Originally Posted by SexyKaylen
Like beechguy said, a senseless COWARD would kill kids.. I know it is important to watch or read the news, but I never do... Why? It's damn depressing! A woman having sex with her 16 y/o son? Chiefs player killing the mother of his child and then himself? 20 children and 6 adults dead? For what? It is beyond me! I cannot even wrap my mind. Around such acts.
Well said Annalise, what little is being told they are saying it was the son of a teacher at that school, didn't even go there but decided he wanted to kill innocent children on the way out of his own miserable life! Coward!

I hope you are right about 12-21-12 but I fear the only thing that would unite us is to witness the impending doom of mankind.....then it is kind of a moot point. Originally Posted by beechguy
It is unfortunate that it takes a tragedy for people to WAKE Up.. But even then, people are back to they're old ways in a matter of days or weeks... What's it gonna take for this world to change? I am truly heart broken. I am glad I don't have children, I don't want to bring one more innocent soul into this evil place.
My heart broke when I saw the news! He not only murdered his mother but took those precious angels who had a full life ahead of them away for no reason. Plus they said he killed his brother as well.

I can only imagine the horror those kids and parents who survived will go through as they try to heal.

I ask the Goddess to send light and love and healing to that town and this great nation.
dirty dog's Avatar
My belief is that the people who wrote the constitution would be rolling over in their graves if they knew what protection they gave gun buyers and owners in todays age.....In that time they where wanting people to own guns to protect against foreign invaders....and people hunted more.

Something needs to be done

I know this is a can of worms! Originally Posted by BigDeal

While this country was under its tighest level of gun control, (the Clinton era) (which included the ban on assault weapons, large capasity magazines) two students using shotguns (a hunting weapon) killed 13 student at Columbine high school, banning weapons is not the answer.

I would agree with mandatory training and phsycological testing before being allowed to purchase a gun, but I dont believe in banning certain weapons because they look dangerous (an assault weapon) when the statistics have shown that assualt weapons are used in less than 1% of crimes in this country.
While this country was under its tighest level of gun control, (the Clinton era) (which included the ban on assault weapons, large capasity magazines) two students using shotguns (a hunting weapon) killed 13 student at Columbine high school, banning weapons is not the answer.

I would agree with mandatory training and phsycological testing before being allowed to purchase a gun, but I dont believe in banning certain weapons because they look dangerous (an assault weapon) when the statistics have shown that assualt weapons are used in less than 1% of crimes in this country. Originally Posted by dirty dog
+1 DD, I agree 100%
Why is there any cops at these schools.As many shootings we had at schools..Im sorry i dont get it..
My thoughts and prayers are with the famlies of this sensless act of violence! To the bastard that commited this act id love to get my hands on you! COWARD!!! Moms and dads pleasw go give your kids a hug and tell them u love them!!
The DarkSide's Avatar
Absolutely disgusting, just pure EVIL, my heart is broken for the families of the little ones that lost their lives and the children that have lost their innocence with this tragedy
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Absolutely disgusting, just pure EVIL, my heart is broken for the families of the little ones that lost their lives and the children that have lost their innocence with this tragedy Originally Posted by The DarkSide
I couldn't have said it better. Thanks DS.
I sincerely believe that banning all guns would do nothing to stop such events, if for no other reason than it would take hundreds of years for all the guns to disappear from our collective ownership.

I also believe that immediately looking to the gun deflects our attention from the real cause of tragedies like this.

I have no idea what the underlying cause is; but, logic tells me it isn't guns

We had guns in the 70's....but I don't remember these massacres.

We have guns now (and likely harder to get)....yet we do have these massacres.

Guns don't appear to be the variable that changed.