phone encryption policy

Arandomniceguy's Avatar
Most of you have heard about this.

Facebook, Google, Twitter, Woz, Trump, McAfee, Snowden, and more take sides on Apple vs the FBI

Trump, who can apparently even twitter-duke it out with the freaking Pope has even called for an Apple boycott. I was originally surprised that the Donald had enough juice to resist The Holy See, but everything has its limits - and not even The Donald could hurt a Google+Apple teamup on encryption if that standoff were to ever happen because smart phones are a form of American Crack most of us are already hooked on.

Still, the US govt IS attempting to legally compel Apple to give it a Master Key and Droid users, dont think Google isnt next once that precedence is set (if it hasnt already succumbed privately) and we dont know whats up with the fing Supreme Court right now.

Other countries will do the same, sure, why not? China has serious juice (sorry for the term reuse). I dont normally make hyperbolic / "domino effect" arguments, but in my view if the Feds succeed this one battle, a pretty decent sized privacy war will have been lost. Some dipshit powerhungry hypocrite with a badge will decide to fuck us to make himself look good, nearby assholes will be able to clone your phone while you work or sleep and blackmail you with your "protected data", or use your access to buildings secured by apps like , steal anyone's identity or coin, just plain old rampant industrial espionage or who knows what else?

Its easy to get all antediluvian and I'm not saying the sky is falling - it's just freaking me out right now (I'm talking myself down - feel free to help that out).

I am saying that this is more important than most of us are acknowledging. This is going to effect how private our private behaviors are really going to be, for years.
Big brother is already watching us from the outside, if this happens he will be able to watch you from every angle and up every probable gap in our lives, a cyber enema.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Driving a newer car, Government Motors already tells Big Brother you went to see that lady.
Arandomniceguy's Avatar
More theories
Cringely's interesting theory that the Feds are pushing it now hoping to lose in a small 8 Supreme Court to settle it or
maybe jus a plain ol power grab as it appears