WTF Eccie?

Okay the north and south pole have flipped..and Eccie has really gotten weird...I mean c'mon

We got things like

Jackie has gone fishin
Silly Girl is off working on her reputation
MJ and Nikki are getting rave reviews
Malwoody and Scorpio are now Valued posters
Dirty Dog unfortunately is off dealing with family issues
Fire Serpent dissapears
Elumeno is now ElamEno
Alot of touring girls lately but very few reviews of any of them
The Spiderhole gang has gone home (i hesitated posting this)
Dogs and Cats are sleeping with each other...

Any other strange goin ons anyone noticing?
kcpumper's Avatar
I've noticed that too. Figured it was either caused by the Super Moon or the eclipse a while back.
shamrock55's Avatar
I miss SillyGirl stirring pot. Always kept things entertaining.
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
Uh oh. I can feel the tension building...someone's going to inadvertently post an off-color remark and get POUNCED by all the members with a pent up thirst for drama.

I can here the Jaws theme song starting..... Duh, Duh.
I like it! now maybe I can ask a question or speak my mind without getting my head bitten off
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
I'm sure there's going to be other head-biters that pop up and take their pun intended!
dearhunter's Avatar
Them southerners are still lurking.......ijs.
zeejoe's Avatar

MJ and Nikki are getting rave reviews

Any other strange goin ons anyone noticing? Originally Posted by BigDeal

I especially loved the "F.U., we're out! You're all cops on here anyways!" part.....
followed by "well-reviewed" ads on b.p.

Who are you and what have you done with the crazy hooktards?
ElumEno's Avatar
Okay, who the hell is this ElumEno everyone keeps asking about....
Them southerners are still lurking.......ijs. Originally Posted by dearhunter

KenMonk's Avatar
lol... spoke too soon.... MJ just has an issue the other day I believe.
AllThisMeat's Avatar
Just saw FS last weekend. He seems to be keeping very busy in his personal life... and having a very good time doing it too.
zeejoe's Avatar
I especially loved the "F.U., we're out! You're all cops on here anyways!" part.....
followed by "well-reviewed" ads on b.p.

Who are you and what have you done with the crazy hooktards? Originally Posted by zeejoe
I'm so proud of myself now I just can't stand it. Only a couple of hours after I posted this a new MJ drama-bomb went off.
I'm on the way to Quiktrip right now to test my new psychic powers with a lottery ticket.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Just saw FS last weekend. He seems to be keeping very busy in his personal life... and having a very good time doing it too. Originally Posted by AllThisMeat
Tell that no good SOB I said hello.
Allright Mj and Nikki are back to form sooooo.whats next....??