Who the fuck....

boardman's Avatar
....Let this guy into our tea party?

Hey...we're a big tent tea party. I like his bumpersticker !

Fast Gunn's Avatar
He was probably recruited from Rev Wright's congregation,

. . . And inflicted on the world for a bottle of wine!

joe bloe's Avatar
Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Like Whirlaway says, it's a big tent.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Anyone can join the Tea Party...even disenchanted democrats who have seen the light.
joe bloe's Avatar
Anyone can join the Tea Party...even disenchanted democrats who have seen the light. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Disenchanted Democrats turned Republican: Ronald Reagan, William Bennet, Michael Medved, David Mamet, David Horowitz and many others. John Kennedy's political views are mainstream Republican today. The Democrat party has abandoned traditional American values. Anyone with any sense has already left the Democrat party. The core Democrat vote is a rogue's gallery of misfits and malcontents.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What's wrong with him being in the Tea Party? If they don't want him, the Libertarians will welcome him with open arms.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-08-2012, 11:07 AM
I like it. You know I have been looking for over a year to see an Obaminable bumper sticker on a car, haven't seen one, still see W stickers, I guess everyone has bought new cars since the immaculation....LMAO....

Yea fast clown, if they gave him a bottle of wine, they must have taken your bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 from YOU..LMMFAO
Disenchanted Democrats turned Republican: Ronald Reagan, William Bennet, Michael Medved, David Mamet, David Horowitz and many others. John Kennedy's political views are mainstream Republican today. The Democrat party has abandoned traditional American values. Anyone with any sense has already left the Democrat party. The core Democrat vote is a rogue's gallery of misfits and malcontents. Originally Posted by joe bloe

they are leaving both in droves. latest numbers I saw 80% of independents were former republicans
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think people in both major parties are getting fed up with the lies and partisanship. Then the media tells us these are the only two choices available. This would be a perfect year for Ron Paul to run as a Libertarian, but, alas, he won't. Gary Johnson is excellent, but doesn't have the name recognition.

Still, we are stuck with Romney or Obama. If push comes to shove, it has to be Romney. But at some point we have to realize that for there to be real progress, we have to get rid of Democrats and Republicans.
Some are leaving for the Tea Party movement - I doubt your 80% number.

They certainly aren't headed to the LP in any signficant wave.

A Ron Paul 3rd party run would give Obama a 2nd term.

Getting rid of Rep/Dems stranglehold is probably a good thing; but it will likely not happen. The best chance is for incremental changes that movement the Republicans (and American electorate) to a Constitutionally Conservative government.
joe bloe's Avatar
they are leaving both in droves. latest numbers I saw 80% of independents were former republicans Originally Posted by ekim008
Do you have a source that 80% number, I mean other than the voices in your head?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A Constitutionally Conservative government would look very Libertarian.

Actually, a Ron Paul third party run could very seriously result in a Ron Paul first term.
There is no way a Ron Paul 3rd party could win anything close to the required electoral college votes.

If you have polling data (or other info besides armchair quaterbacking) I would like to see it.
Yes it would.

A Constitutionally Conservative government would look very Libertarian.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy