Obama is lying, again, when he feigns outrage over the leaks, saying:

“the notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. It’s wrong. ”

Note Obama's careful phrasing - "purposely release" . As a lying lawyer (and politican) Obama knows that the proof for intent (or purpose) is a high bar and almost impossible to prove. Obama slyly lies to the American public with this deceitful statement. It gives Obama plenty of wiggle room should more details emerge.

Obama likely knows who in his administration made the leaks. But he won't fess up.

The million dollar question is did Obama encourage the leaks ???????????????

Interesting Note: At around 5:15 of this interview clip, Sanger says "no one in the White House / Administration said do not publish this (information)" WTF ? It is outrageous that the administration didn't want to protect the national secrets/information that was being revealed in the book and NYTs stories !

Who in the administration gave away the security secrets and who green lighted the book details?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
“the notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. It’s wrong. ”

Purposely release-not a denial that his White House did not release information
Classified-the president has the power to classify or declassify any information with a world

What he should have said is that "MY White House did not knowingly release sensitive information for political purposes". In my opinion he would be lying but it would be the right statement.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
We will never know the "truth". We can speculate all we want but "truth" from this administration? I doubt it.